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kerosene ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

kerosene anlamı
1) gazyağı
2) parafin

"kerosene" için örnek kullanımlar

The borehole was lubricated with kerosene, which contains bacteria.
Kuyu bakteriler içerir gazyağı ile yağlanır edildi.
Kaynak: geek.com
Most of them use kerosene lights and candles to light their homes.
Çoğu evlerine ışığa gazyağı lambaları ve mumlar kullanabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: greenpacks.org
It could be from the bore hole kerosene, human bodies or lab.
Bu delik gazyağı, insan organları veya laboratuar olabilir.
Kaynak: scienceworldreport.com
It also forecasts supply and demand of LPG, Kerosene, Gasoline, Diesel Oil from 2002 to 2020.
Aynı zamanda arz ve LPG, Gazyağı, Benzin, 2002 2020 Motorin talep tahminleri.
Kaynak: businesswire.com
The kerosene lamp (widely known in Britain as a paraffin lamp) is a type of lighting device that uses kerosene (British "paraffin", as
Kaynak: Kerosene lamp
RP-1 (alternately, Rocket Propellant-1 or Refined Petroleum -1) is a highly refined form of kerosene outwardly similar to jet fuel ,
Kaynak: RP-1
A kerosene heater, also known as a paraffin heater, is a portable, unvented , kerosene -fueled, space-heating device. In the United States
Kaynak: Kerosene heater
Kerosene is a type of fuel, but it can also refer to: power kerosene; see tractor vaporising oil . a lubricant; see mineral oil .
Kaynak: Kerosene (disambiguation)
The tropical rainforest tree Copaifera langsdorffii is known as the diesel tree and kerosene tree. It has many names in local languages,
Kaynak: Copaifera langsdorffii
The Baku–Batumi pipeline is the name given to several pipelines and pipeline projects to transport kerosene and crude oil from the
Kaynak: Baku–Batumi pipeline
Tractor vaporising oil (or TVO) is a fuel for internal combustion engine s, produced from paraffin (kerosene ). In the United Kingdom
Kaynak: Tractor vaporising oil

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