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keynote ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

keynote anlamı
1) temel düşünce
2) esas nota
3) ilke
4) parti proGramı
1) açış konuşması yapmak
2) ilkeleri anlatmak
3) vurgulamak

"keynote" için örnek kullanımlar

I sat in on a very interesting keynote from Evernote CEO, Phil Libin.
Ben Evernote CEO'su Phil Libin gelen çok ilginç bir açış üzerine oturdu.
Kaynak: bostinno.com
The opening keynote by Makerbot's Bre Pettis on Friday, March 8, set the tone.
Cuma günü Makerbot kullanıcısının Bre Pettis, 8 Mart tarafından açılış açılış sesi ayarlamak.
Kaynak: hollywoodreporter.com
On Thursday, Dave Grohl delivered the keynote address at SXSW.
Perşembe günü, Dave Grohl SXSW açılış konuşmasını.
Kaynak: deathandtaxesmag.com
"Sound City" director Dave Grohl will give the SXSW Music keynote speech this morning.
"Sound City" direktörü Dave Grohl SXSW Müzik açış konuşmasında bu sabah verecek.
Kaynak: kut.org
A keynote in literature , music , or public speaking is a talk that establishes the main underlying theme. delivery of a keynote speech or
Kaynak: Keynote
"Stevenote" is a colloquial term for the keynote speeches given by Steve Jobs , who was the former CEO of Apple , at events such as the
Kaynak: Stevenote
A keynote in literature, music or public speaking is the principal underlying theme of a larger idea. Keynote may also refer to:
Kaynak: Keynote (disambiguation)
The keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention (DNC) was given by then Illinois State Senator , United States Senate
Kaynak: 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote address
Democratic Party primary, his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July, and his election to the Senate in November.
Kaynak: Barack Obama
This is a list of songs used by Apple Inc. in commercials, keynote addresses, presentations, and other marketing materials.- |!
Kaynak: List of music used by Apple Inc.
evident during his keynote speeches (colloquially known as "Stevenote s") at Macworld Expos and at Apple Worldwide Developers Conference s.
Kaynak: Steve Jobs
He is also an international keynote speaker speaking on Gen Y motivation, digital leadership, digital media and future trends.
Kaynak: Erik Qualman

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