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kinetic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

kinetic anlamı
1) kinetik
2) hareketle ilgili

"kinetic" için örnek kullanımlar

He loves traditional printmaking and kinetic art machines.
O Geleneksel baskı ve kinetik sanat makineleri seviyor.
Kaynak: bizcommunity.com
But that is potential, not kinetic, energy at this stage.
Ama bu aşamada enerji, kinetik değil, potansiyeldir.
Kaynak: kffl.com
Olivia Wilde carries much of the emotional weight with Johnson, and their chemistry is kinetic.
Olivia Wilde Johnson ile duygusal ağırlığı kadar taşır ve bunların kimyasal kinetik olduğunu.
Kaynak: criterioncast.com
Explore the difference between potential and kinetic energy and the ways that energy can transform.
Potansiyel ve kinetik enerji ve enerji dönüşümü olabilir yolları arasındaki farkı keşfedin.
Kaynak: macon.com
In physics , the kinetic energy of an object is the energy which it possesses due to its motion It is defined as the work needed to
Kaynak: Kinetic energy
Kinetic art is art from any medium that contains movement perceivable by the viewer or depends on motion for its effect. examples of kinetic art .
Kaynak: Kinetic art
The kinetic theory of gases describes a gas as a large number of small particles (atom s or molecule s), all of which are in constant,
Kaynak: Kinetic theory
Thermodynamic reaction control or kinetic reaction control in a chemical reaction can decide the composition in a reaction product mixture
Kaynak: Thermodynamic versus kinetic reaction control
A projectile which does not contain an explosive charge or any other kind of charge is termed a kinetic projectile, kinetic energy weapon,
Kaynak: Projectile
Agitating or mixing a solution will also accelerate the rate of a chemical reaction, as this gives the particles greater kinetic energy,
Kaynak: Chemical kinetics
In biochemistry , receptor-ligand kinetics is a branch of chemical kinetics in which the kinetic species are defined by different non-
Kaynak: Receptor-ligand kinetics

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