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knotty ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

knotty anlamı
1) çetrefilli
2) boğumlu
3) budaklı
4) karışık
5) düğümlü
6) zor

"knotty" için örnek kullanımlar

Dark green and knotty pine abound, from the tin ceiling to the woodwork.
Koyu yeşil ve Boğumlu çam teneke tavan doğrama, boldur.
Kaynak: newhampshire.com
Corporates seem to cause fewer really knotty CDS headaches than sovereigns.
Tüzel egemenlerin daha az gerçekten çetrefilli CDS baş ağrılarına neden gibi görünüyor.
Kaynak: dealbreaker.com
The encore was the swirling and knotty FM radio staple, "Roundabout."
Encore dönen ve çetrefilli FM radyo Zımba, oldu "Roundabout."
Kaynak: noisecreep.com
This leads to knotty problems in a modern, industrialized food chain.
Bu modern, sanayileşmiş gıda zincirinde çetrefilli sorunlara yol açar.
Kaynak: spiegel.de
The game of knotty is a Scottish team sport. It is a variation of the game of shinty as played in the fishing communities of Lybster ,
Kaynak: Knotty
The knotty pebblesnail, scientific name Somatogyrus constrictus, of minute freshwater snail s with an operculum , aquatic gastropod
Kaynak: Knotty pebblesnail
Pleurocera interrupta, - common name knotty elimia, it was listed as vulnerable species in 1996 Pleurocera lecontiana. Pleurocera mutabilis
Kaynak: Pleurocera catenaria
Tappa is a form of Indian semi-classical vocal music Its specialty is its rolling pace based on fast, subtle and knotty construction.
Kaynak: Tappa
It hosts the "World Championships of Knotty "; knotty or cnatag is a variant of shinty . The film, The Silver Darlings , from Neil Gunn 's
Kaynak: Lybster
Burl treen refers to small household items carved from knotty outgrowths of trees . These items forms a part of nearly every major
Kaynak: North American burl treen

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