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lactation ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

lactation anlamı
1) emzirme
2) süt verme
3) süt salgılama

"lactation" için örnek kullanımlar

Ketosis is estimated to affect 15 percent of early lactation dairy cows.
Ketozis erken laktasyon süt ineklerinin yüzde 15'ini etkilediği tahmin edilmektedir.
Kaynak: dairyherd.com
A lactation consultant and a baby scale are available each week.
Bir laktasyon danışmanı ve bir bebek tartısı her hafta vardır.
Kaynak: magicvalley.com
It's also offered to new mothers to encourage lactation.
Aynı zamanda emzirme teşvik etmek için yeni annelere teklif etti.
Kaynak: dw.de
Most women said they engaged in placentophagy to improve their mood and improve lactation.
Çoğu kadın onların ruh halini iyileştirmeye ve laktasyon geliştirmek placentophagy yapan söyledi.
Kaynak: lasvegassun.com
A lactation consultant is a healthcare provider recognized as an expert in the fields of human lactation and breastfeeding .
Kaynak: International Board-Certified Lactation consultant
Male lactation in zoology means production of milk from mammary gland s in the presence of physiological stimuli connected with nursing
Kaynak: Male lactation
A lactation counselor is a healthcare provider recognized as an expert in the fields of human lactation and breastfeeding counseling.
Kaynak: Lactation Counselor
Lactation suppression refers to the act of suppressing lactation in new mothers by chemical or other means. After birth some women may
Kaynak: Lactation suppression
Lactivism (a portmanteau of "lactation " and "activism ") is the advocacy of breastfeeding . Supporters, referred to as "lactivists",
Kaynak: Lactivism
Diana West is a leading lactation consultant and noted author in the field of breastfeeding . Biography : Diana West was born August 8, 1965
Kaynak: Diana West (lactation consultant)
Early- lactation milk contains colostrum , which carries the mother's antibodies to the baby and can reduce the risk of many diseases
Kaynak: Milk
difficulties can be resolved with proper hospital procedures, properly trained nurses and hospital staff, speech pathologists and lactation consultants
Kaynak: Breastfeeding difficulties
Although it is perhaps best known for its role in lactation , prolactin already existed in the oldest known vertebrate s—fish—where its
Kaynak: Prolactin
Lactation is assumed to have developed long before the evolution of the mammary gland and mammals; see evolution of lactation .
Kaynak: Mammary gland
A galactogogue (from γάλα γαλακτ-, milk, + ἀγωγός, leading) is a substance that promotes lactation in humans and other animals It may be
Kaynak: Galactagogue

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