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laic ne demek?

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laic anlamı
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"laic" için örnek kullanımlar

The Jules Ferry Laws are a set of French Laws which established free education (1881), then mandatory and laic education (1882). Jules
Kaynak: Jules Ferry laws
It was founded in 1950 as socialist , social democratic , (republican ) and laic split from Italian General Confederation of Labour
Kaynak: Italian Labour Union
In Buddhism 's Pali literature , the term is used in the context of describing laic pursuits, meditative absorptions and intra-psychic
Kaynak: Sukha
the Escoltes Catalans (EC, laic , coeducational), the Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya (MEG, Catholic , coeducational), which is also
Kaynak: Federació Catalana d'Escoltisme i Guiatge
Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs libres du Congo-Brazzaville (laic ) There is no national organization that is yet recognized by the World
Kaynak: Scouting and Guiding in the Republic of the Congo
The Genius of Palermo (in Italian Genio di Palermo, also called as Genio or Palermo) is one of the city symbols and the laic patron of
Kaynak: Genius of Palermo
IndiaGlitz gave a review stating "All in all, RLS makes a beautiful movie watching experience for laic as well as discerning audiences Rediff.
Kaynak: Routine Love Story
on free education (1881) and mandatory and laic education (1882), which Catholics felt was a gross violation of their rights date July 2012.
Kaynak: Roman Catholicism in France
External links : laic. info/Members/webmestre2/La_laicite_en_France.2003-11-16.1123/view Fadéla Amara, president of the Neither Whores Nor
Kaynak: Islamic scarf controversy in France

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