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lantern-jawed ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

lantern-jawed anlamı
1) uzun çeneli

"lantern-jawed" için örnek kullanımlar

In the book by Geraint H Jenkins, 'Proud to be a Swan', Hanford is described as "a muscular, lantern-jawed stopper". Despite having been
Kaynak: Harry Hanford
style is reminiscent of popular 1950s "men's action " pulp periodicals, with artwork depicting tough, lantern-jawed men and sultry, buxom women.
Kaynak: Modern Drunkard Magazine
perhaps the first reporter to see that a young Milanese newspaper editor, lantern-jawed, hungry and insignificant, would attain world importance".
Kaynak: Anne O'Hare McCormick
So 'pessimism' was the password when Murray brought in a very lean, eagle-beaked, lantern-jawed guy with eyeglass lenses even thicker than
Kaynak: Bruno Premiani
Junior - a hulking, lantern-jawed and wimp social inadequate in a horrible plaid suit who still lives with his doting mother and seems
Kaynak: Neat Stuff
Cliff Hanger is a cartoon lantern-jawed outdoorsman usually featured hanging off the side of a cliff , holding onto a branch .
Kaynak: Between the Lions

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