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laudatory ne demek?

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laudatory anlamı
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2) övücü

"laudatory" için örnek kullanımlar

In another laudatory step RTI is included in the Civil Service exams.
Başka bir övücü adımda RTI İç Hizmet muayenelerde dahildir.
Kaynak: postnoon.com
It beat Zero Dark Thirty, another movie that centered on CIA, but was much less laudatory.
Bu Sıfır Koyu Otuz, CIA merkezli bir film yendi, ama çok daha az övgü dolu oldu.
Kaynak: theatlanticwire.com
The Portuguese boss was particularly laudatory of Bale's ability for dead ball situations.
Portekizli patronu ölü top durumları için Balya yeteneğini özellikle övücü oldu.
Kaynak: thehardtackle.com
Concern for the natural environment is certainly laudatory, and every normal person shares it.
Doğal çevre için endişe kesinlikle övücü ve her normal insanın hisse öyle.
Kaynak: nationalreview.com
Many Army division s have over the years earned nicknames; some laudatory, some derogatory, but all colourful. Sometimes, the nicknames
Kaynak: Nicknames of United States Army divisions
Many regiments have over the years earned nicknames ; some laudatory, some derogatory, but all colourful. Sometimes, the nicknames
Kaynak: Regimental nicknames of the Canadian Forces
Rashtraudha Kavya is a laudatory text written during the time of king Narayana of Mayuragiri (Baglana ) in Maharashtra , a ruler of Rathore
Kaynak: Rashtraudha Kavya
and was recorded in a laudatory poem by Martial — the only detailed description of a gladiatorial fight that has survived to the present day.
Kaynak: Priscus (gladiator)
His first publication - which survives - was a collection of laudatory airs to verse by Guillaume de Baïf, a minor poet but son of Jean-
Kaynak: Nicolas Métru
simultaneously, laudatory appraisal of America and its peculiar culture The seemingly outrageous visual and vocal styles he employs, his
Kaynak: Marilyn Manson
name given by an ethnic group to its own geographical entity, or the name an ethnic group calls itself, often laudatory or self-aggrandizing.
Kaynak: Exonym and endonym
(Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson ), doing so to demonstrate laudatory appraisal of the US and its peculiar culture The members of the
Kaynak: Marilyn Manson (band)
He led III Corps during the 1970 Cambodian Campaign , earning the laudatory sobriquet as "the Patton of the Parrot's Beak".
Kaynak: Do Cao Tri
His achievements earned him the laudatory nickname "Rommel of the East". His New 1st Army was reputed as the "1st Best Army under
Kaynak: Sun Li-jen
Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for a series of laudatory stories on the Soviet Union. He was a highly respected journalist until
Kaynak: Walter Duranty
The Kota prasisti (Praise; a short laudatory hymn: a eulogium) declared that they were the rulers of the Shatashasra (Guntur region on
Kaynak: Kota Vamsa
reissue of Only You Can Do It feature laudatory remarks from jazz critics Rex Reed , Leonard Feather , Richard Sudhalter , and John S. Wilson .
Kaynak: Carrie Smith
both laudatory and critical, as a result of their collaboration with Dateline NBC on a series of televised sting operations called To
Kaynak: Perverted-Justice
(See Michael Scott , cited below, for a laudatory appraisal of his singing.) The creator of the title role in Umberto Giordano 's verismo
Kaynak: Giuseppe Borgatti
The seven volumes of histories that were published in his lifetime were the antithesis of this published work, being most laudatory of
Kaynak: Euphemia (empress)

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