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layette ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

layette anlamı
1) bebek eşyaları
2) bebek çamaşırı

"layette" için örnek kullanımlar

A layette is a collection of clothing for a newborn child . The term "layette set" is commonly used in the United States to refer to
Kaynak: Layette
A layette and cradle were available separately. Tiny Tears became one of the most popular dolls of the 1950s. Her success was due in part
Kaynak: Tiny Tears
The Children's Apparel Network is an American company whose products include department and specialty store layette, newborn and infant
Kaynak: Children's Apparel Network
In July 2010, Baby Buggy launched a layette collection with Target Corporation , with 10% of sales going to help families in need The
Kaynak: Baby Buggy
A layette, baby bottles, a plastic bath tub, and other accessories were available. Effanbee had previously manufactured a similar doll, "Dy-
Kaynak: Betsy Wetsy
In July 2010, Baby Buggy launched a layette collection with Target Corporation , with 10% of sales going to help families in need The
Kaynak: Jessica Seinfeld
Children's Apparel Network (department and specialty store layette, newborn and infant apparel), Hamco , Blue Ridge , Baby Boom , and AD Sutton .
Kaynak: Sesame Beginnings
The young girl works diligently to complete all of the household chores, as well as knitting the baby a layette. With the birth of the baby
Kaynak: Moral Disorder

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