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leave ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

leave anlamı
1) izin
2) veda
3) müsaade
4) ruhsat
1) bırakmak
2) ayrılmak
3) terketmek
4) kalkmak
5) kalmak
6) yola çıkmak
7) unutmak
8) vazgeçmek
9) caymak

"leave" için örnek kullanımlar

I would never intentionally do anything that might leave country music.
Ben kasıtlı country müzik bırakabilir şeyi asla yapmaz.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
English trio Chelsea, Newcastle and Tottenham leave it late in Europa League.
İngilizce üçlüsü Chelsea, Newcastle ve Tottenham UEFA Avrupa Ligi geç bırakın.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
Teams that last until Saturday here will leave beat up and exhausted.
Geçen cumartesiye kadar burada dövdü terk ve bitkin olacak. Takımlar
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Wenger felt Vermaelen understood the decision to leave him out against Bayern.
Wenger Vermaelen Bayern karşı onu terk etme kararı anladım hissettim.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
(that is, face lumberjacks if the wrestler is a heel, and vice versa) swarm the wrestlers if they leave the ring and force them back in it.
Kaynak: Professional wrestling match types
In some cases the deposed head of state is allowed to leave into exile following a coup or other change of government, allowing a more
Kaynak: Exile
A leave of absence (LOA) is a period of time that one is to be away from his/her primary job, while maintaining the status of employee.
Kaynak: Leave of absence
television, wrestlers often did leave town as they were booked on the next city in the pro-wrestling circuit, similar to the carnival days).
Kaynak: Kayfabe
Weaving is a consequence of having too many grade-separated junctions on a road in a short distance, where traffic wanting to leave the
Kaynak: Grade separation
In the United States , a furlough (icon | ˈ | f | ɜr | l | oʊ; from Dutch : "verlof") is a temporary unpaid leave of some employees due to
Kaynak: Furlough
In military , leave is a permission to be away from one's unit, either for a specified or unspecified period of time. without leave, is a
Kaynak: Leave (military)
In the United States Military , leave is permission to be away from one's unit for a specific period of time. Entitlement: of leave per year.
Kaynak: Leave (U.S. military)
Unlike more traditional leave plans, companies with PTO plans do not separate time off from work between "vacation days" and "sick days".
Kaynak: Paid time off

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