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legally ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

legally anlamı
yasal olarak

"legally" için örnek kullanımlar

Without their consent this film could not be made and legally distributed.
Onların rızası olmadan bu filmi yapmış ve yasal dağıtılamaz olamazdı.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
He likes all the politically and legally fiddly bits of finance.
O finans tüm siyasi ve yasal fiddly bit seviyor.
Kaynak: ftalphaville.ft.com
You'll also need to check exactly where you can legally trade.
Ayrıca yasal ticaret tam olarak nerede kontrol etmek gerekir.
Kaynak: dynamicbusiness.com.au
That's right, no more plea deals will be offered to our little legally confused lady.
Doğru, artık savunma fiyatlar bizim küçük yasal karıştı bayan sunulacaktır.
Kaynak: perezhilton.com
Fearing bankruptcy, Carbolic argued the advert was not to be taken as a serious, legally binding offer. It was an invitation to treat ,
Kaynak: Law
sufficient that others may officially and legally rely upon the witness's specialized (scientific , technical or other) opinion about an
Kaynak: Expert witness
Amphetamine was also used legally as an aid to slimming and also as a thymoleptic before being phased out by the appearance of newer
Kaynak: Doping in sport
biological (or natural) parents becomes a legal stranger to the child, legally no longer related to the child and with no rights related to it.
Kaynak: Legal fiction
show the methods by which the civil rights protections of the Weimar Republic's democratic constitution were legally abolished by the Nazis:!
Kaynak: Reichstag Fire Decree
Legally dead may refer to: - when a person disappears and no identifiable remains can be located, and is subsequently declared legally dead
Kaynak: Legally dead

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