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legging ne demek?

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"legging" için örnek kullanımlar

I started legging it up two steps at a time; that lasted about three floors.
Ben bir anda iki adım yukarı legging başladı; yaklaşık üç kat sürdü.
Kaynak: now-here-this.timeout.com
BuzzFeed would have you believe that a legging should be hidden from public view.
BuzzFeed bir legging toplumdan gizli gerektiğine inanıyorum olurdu.
Kaynak: slate.com
With the drop in temperatures on Friday, the ladies came out in full legging force.
Cuma günü sıcaklıklarda düşüş ile, bayanlar tam legging yürürlüğe çıktı.
Kaynak: tennisgrandstand.com
Kontrakten for legging av rørledninger er tildelt Allseas.
Legging av rørledninger er tildelt Allseas için Kontrakten.
Kaynak: offshore.no
Ferret legging is an endurance test or stunt in which ferret s are trapped in trousers worn by a participant Also known as put 'em down
Kaynak: Ferret legging
Strikebreaking is also known as "black-legging" or "blacklegging". American lexicographer Stephanie Smith suggests that the word has to
Kaynak: Strikebreaker
Ochrea, (Latin ochrea, greave or protective legging), also spelled ocrea, is a plant structure formed of stipule s fused into a sheath
Kaynak: Ochrea
Ferret legging: Ferret legging. The origin of ferret legging is disputed. ferret legging originated in public house s "where patrons would bet
Kaynak: Culture of Yorkshire
Boats originally took about three hours to complete the passage by legging or poling, so in 1841 a steam engine was built at the
Kaynak: Lapal Tunnel
Origins: This process is called legging (The external link listed below shows men legging It through Butterley Tunnel.) File:BUTTERLEY.
Kaynak: Butterley Tunnel
over a short Andalusian waist jacket, as well as tooled leather legging over booties with raw hide leather spur holders that sustain a
Kaynak: Huaso
Due to the amount of traffic and the slow process of legging, the Harecastle Tunnel was becoming a major bottleneck on the canal.
Kaynak: Harecastle Tunnel
The town's name originates from the Spanish term botín, which means buskin, boot, or legging. Geography: Los Botines is located at
Kaynak: Botines, Texas
mashak that the Raja of Jind had a bagpipe band, with the players wearing kilts and pink legging in imitation of Scottish Highland pipers
Kaynak: Mashak
They have full-length zippers running along the outside of the leg from the thigh to just above the ankle The edge of each legging is
Kaynak: Chaps
At different times the it has been used both as a brothel and as a boot-legging house during Prohibition . In 1939 the poet W. H. Auden
Kaynak: George Washington Hotel (New York City)
This strike is similar to and utilizes the same nerve as the childhood prank of "dead-legging" someone. Repeated strong peroneal strikes
Kaynak: Peroneal strike
This meant making their lives uncomfortable, and was based on the supposed northern stunt of ferret legging (where contestants compete
Kaynak: Reverse ferret
battery -powered narrowboat trip either through the tunnel or partway through the tunnel and the adjacent mines; and, also, try legging the boat.
Kaynak: Dudley Tunnel
Illinois University , DeKalb, Illinois , a member of the core legging and processing team during the McMurdo Dry Valleys Drilling Project , 1974–75.
Kaynak: Jackson Pond

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