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legion ne demek?

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legion anlamı
1) lejyon
2) kalabalık
3) birlik

"legion" için örnek kullanımlar

They're real tough guys, real ring warriors, and they're the Legion of BOOM!
Onlar sert gerçek adamlar, gerçek halka savaşçılar konum ve onlar BOOM Legion of sensin!
Kaynak: wrestlingnewssource.com
If you haven't checked out a Legion of Blog podcast you're worse than Hitler.
Eğer blog podcast Legion teslim almadıysanız Hitler betersin.
Kaynak: nucksmisconduct.com
But against Condit in his comeback, GSP won a legion of new fans.
Ancak dönüş yaptığı yılında Condit karşı GSP yeni fanlar bir lejyon kazandı.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
The finals will play out between clan mates FLS Legion and FLS Betrayal at 21:30.
Finaller 21:30 klan arkadaşları FLS Legion ve FLS İhanet tarihleri ​​arasında oynayacak.
Kaynak: lazygamer.net
Legion may refer to: In the military : Roman legion , the basic military unit of the ancient Roman army. List of military legions
Kaynak: Legion
A Roman legion (from Latin legio "military levy, conscription ," from legere — "to choose") normally indicates the basic ancient Roman
Kaynak: Roman legion
In each province, the deployed legions' legati (legion commanders, who also controlled the auxiliary regiments attached to their legion)
Kaynak: Roman army
Legio tertia decima Gemina (Thirteenth Twin Legion) was one of the most prominent Roman legions . and was the legion with which he
Kaynak: Legio XIII Gemina

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