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letter-perfect ne demek?

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"letter-perfect" için örnek kullanımlar

The advantage of SKATS is the letter-perfect accuracy in conveying the Korean message, something that would be lost, were romanisations
Kaynak: SKATS
spirited and silly and tongue-in-cheek ", and praised its character designs as "letter-perfect to Go Nagai's original (quite appealing
Kaynak: New Cutie Honey
However, even according to this position that the scrolls that Jews possess today are not letter-perfect, the Torah scrolls are certainly
Kaynak: Jewish principles of faith
Steve would then sit down at one of the big, hulking green typewriters in the newspaper office and bang out his copy, letter-perfect with
Kaynak: The Maine Campus
continental officials, cool villains, and tense confrontations, with Ray Goulding doing a letter-perfect imitation of Bob Bailey's delivery.
Kaynak: Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
com/life/people/2004-02-05-men_x.htm | title 2004's letter-perfect men | last Thomas | first Karen | date February 5, 2004 | work USA Today
Kaynak: Riley Smith
In each installment, Willoughby (Ray, doing a letter-perfect impersonation of Johnny Dollar star Bob Bailey ) traveled around the globe
Kaynak: Bob and Ray
Thus, even letter-perfect bona fide certainty of belief is not equivalent to a certification of accuracy or even truthfulness.
Kaynak: Anatomy of a Murder
feminist , or, perhaps most popularly, Freudian psychoanalytical interpretations of the plays, even as they retained letter-perfect scripts.
Kaynak: William Shakespeare's reputation
have to be preserved letter-perfect, the epic was a popular work whose reciters would inevitably conform to changes in language and style."
Kaynak: Iravan
Not even letter-perfect CPR can save a life if it takes too long for defibrillation and other advanced procedures to occur. In 1965, Frank
Kaynak: History of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
It is generally agreed that "Unlike the Vedas, which have to be preserved letter-perfect, the epic was a popular work whose reciters would
Kaynak: Mahabharata
Crawford was letter-perfect the day of the show and received two standing ovations from the studio audience. In October 1968, Crawford's 29-
Kaynak: Joan Crawford
Whedon said, "The score is very old-fashioned, which is why Silvestri was letter-perfect for this movie because he can give you the
Kaynak: The Avengers (2012 film)
They believed that the band's endless rehearsals—and, according to critic Amy Lee in Metronome magazine , "letter-perfect playing"—
Kaynak: Glenn Miller

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