Tish is a
licentiate of The Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
Tish Bir Müzik ve Drama Guildhall School of tamamlamış kimse olduğunu.
Kaynak: portadowntimes.co.ukEducation Epsom College; Guy's hospital and University of Southampton; PhD Disability and equality: a new approach; MSc rehabilitation studies;
licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons.
Eğitim Epsom College; Guy hastane ve Southampton Üniversitesi; Doktora Engellilik ve eşitlik: yeni bir yaklaşım; Msc rehabilitasyon çalışmaları; Cerrahlar Kraliyet Koleji tamamlamış kimse.
Kaynak: guardian.co.ukWith a certificate from the New York institute of photography, Aaron has graduated from the University of Ulster with a degree in media studies and is also a
Licentiate of the Royal Photography Society.
Fotoğrafçılık New York enstitüden sertifika ile Aaron medya çalışmaları bir derece ile Ulster Üniversitesi'nden mezun oldu ve aynı zamanda Kraliyet Fotoğraf Derneği Licentiate olduğunu gelmiştir.
Kaynak: colerainetimes.co.ukLicentiate is the title of a person who holds an academic degree known as a licence or a
licentiate The term derives from Latin licentia
Kaynak: Licentiate Shēngyuán (生员/生員), also called xiùcái (秀才),
licentiate; administered at exams held in the county level each year. Ànshǒu (案首), a shēngyuán
Kaynak: Imperial examination"The "
licentiate" degree shortened from the full Latin title licentia docendi, means "teaching licence. History: date June 2008 The doctorate
Kaynak: DoctorateEmergence of the Doctor's and Master's degrees and the
licentiate: The doctorate (Latin : doceo, I teach) appeared in medieval Europe as a
Kaynak: Academic degreeIn Poland, the
licentiate degree corresponds to the bachelor's degree in Anglophone countries. In Polish it is called licencjat.
Kaynak: Bachelor's degree