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likable ne demek?

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"likable" için örnek kullanımlar

It's funnier and more likable than their previous script, Horrible Bosses.
Bu komik ve önceki komut, Korkunç Patronlar daha hoş bulunuyor.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
And the likable Lazaro Arbos seemed overwhelmed by Clarkson's Breakaway.
Ve sevimli Lazaro ARBOS Clarkson Breakaway bunalmış görünüyordu.
Kaynak: news-press.com
Also, successful women are viewed as less likable than successful men.
Ayrıca, başarılı bir kadın başarılı erkeklerden daha az sevimli olarak görülüyor.
Kaynak: ottawacitizen.com
But that's also my problem with the book: Sandberg tries too hard to be likable.
Ama bu aynı zamanda kitap ile benim sorunum: Sandberg sevilesi olmak için çok zor çalışır.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
It tells the story of a likable conman and rogue (played by Clive Owen ) at the end of the yuppie eighties. There were a total of twenty
Kaynak: Chancer
Ozark Ike was a newspaper comic strip about dumb but likable Ozark Ike McBatt, a youth from a rural area in the mountains.
Kaynak: Ozark Ike
Seed is a Canadian television series produced by Force Four Entertainment The half-hour comedy follows Harry, a likable bachelor and
Kaynak: Seed (TV series)
Tessa Richarde is an American actress mainly cast as likable dumb blondes . She is probably best known as playing Miss Mitzi Fritts in
Kaynak: Tessa Richarde
and starred Dennis Waterman as Terry McCann, an honest and likable bodyguard (minder in London slang ) and George Cole as Arthur Daley,
Kaynak: Minder (TV series)
Quiet, shy and highly likable he was believe to have all the talents to be truly a top level racer. - If Mr. Brackens was likable he had a
Kaynak: Tommy Brackens
to Dinner (1939) by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart and for the far less likable character Waldo Lydecker in the 1944 film Laura (1944).
Kaynak: Alexander Woollcott
The series' staff found it hard to make Comic Book Guy seem likable, since he is usually portrayed as sarcastic and unfriendly.
Kaynak: Worst Episode Ever
mixed as a result of his lack of involvement with the Final Fantasy XII s plot although various video game publications still found him likable.
Kaynak: Vaan
On the positive side, they called it "noteworthy, likable and not cloying". Titik Pilipino gave a positive review of the song, but
Kaynak: Araw Mo
Participants engaged with researchers who were either likable or non-likable and who were either wearing a shirt stating anti-racist
Kaynak: Social tuning
His portrayal was so good, he became stereotype d and played mostly likable old codgers for the rest of his life. However, he did
Kaynak: Clem Bevans
character he plays, except that the real Creed is a good-hearted and likable person, while his fictional alter ego has a very dark side to him.
Kaynak: Creed Bratton (character)

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