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lineage ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

lineage anlamı
1) soy
2) köken
3) sülale
4) nesil

"lineage" için örnek kullanımlar

Holmes said she comes from a lineage of women interested in women's rights.
Holmes o kadın hakları ile ilgilenen kadınların bir soydan geliyor dedi.
Kaynak: dailynebraskan.com
The Bolt may not have the noble lineage, but it has the price point.
Bolt asil soy olmayabilir, ancak fiyat nokta vardır.
Kaynak: latimes.com
Before Porter in the Steelers' lineage of thuggery was Greg Lloyd.
Katillik ve Steelers 'soy Porter önce Greg Lloyd oldu.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
If the surname sounds familiar, she has an impressive lineage.
Soyadı tanıdık geldiyse, o etkileyici bir soy vardır.
Kaynak: themeparks.about.com
An evolutionary lineage is a sequence of species , that form a line of descent, each new species the direct result of speciation from an
Kaynak: Lineage (evolution)
A lineage in Buddhism is a line of transmission of the Buddhist teaching that is "theoretically traced back to the Buddha himself."
Kaynak: Lineage (Buddhism)
Lineages, clans, phratries, moieties, and matrimonial sides: A lineage is a unilineal descent group that can demonstrate their common
Kaynak: Kinship
(1235–1308) also studied Linji teachings in China before founding the Japanese Otokan lineage, the most influential and only surviving
Kaynak: Zen
Patrilineality (agnatic kinship) is a system in which an individual belongs to his or her father's lineage It generally involves the
Kaynak: Patrilineality
The lineage and honors certificate is a legal document, which contains certain words and phrases, that have a specific meaning.
Kaynak: Lineage and honors certificate
Another very old and extensive tree is that of the Lurie lineage—which includes Sigmund Freud , Martin Buber , Rashi , Hezekiah —and
Kaynak: Family tree
Its lineage has been traced from the first World Heavyweight Championship , which traces its lineage to Georg Hackenschmidt 's 1905 title
Kaynak: List of NWA World Heavyweight Champions
In some traditions there is never more than one active master at the same time in the same guruparamaparya (lineage. In the paramparā system
Kaynak: Parampara
An established philosophical school within a denomination is called a sampradaya and a traditional lineage of teachers from any
Kaynak: Hindu denominations

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