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lobate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"lobate" için örnek kullanımlar

The auricular style or lobate style (Dutch: Kwabstijl) is a style of ornamental decoration, mainly found in Northern Europe in the first
Kaynak: Auricular style
Paratachardina pseudolobata, the lobate lac scale, is a polyphagous and pestiferous lac scale insect , which damages trees and woody
Kaynak: Paratachardina pseudolobata
In addition,distinct color units, some of lobate shape, are observed in newly processed color data Such relations strongly support a
Kaynak: Geology of solar terrestrial planets
Lineated floor deposits began as lobate debris apron s (LDAs), which form as material leaves narrow mountain valleys and spreads out as an
Kaynak: Lineated valley fill
Ocyropsis is a genus of oceanic lobate ctenophore s. Species include: Ocyropsis crystallina (Rang, 1826) Ocyropsis fusca (Rang, 1826)
Kaynak: Ocyropsis
Bathocyroe fosteri is a species of lobate ctenophore found at intermediate depths in all the world's oceans. The species is very common
Kaynak: Bathocyroe fosteri
Around many of the mesas and knobs are lobate debris apron s that have been shown to be rock-covered glaciers. Many large river valleys cut
Kaynak: Martian dichotomy
names: circum-mesa aprons, debris aprons, rock glacier s, and lobate debris apron s At first, they appeared to resemble rock glaciers on Earth.
Kaynak: Fretted terrain
Ice in lobate debris aprons: File:Lobate Debris Apron in Phlegra Montes. JPG | Lobate Debris Apron in Phlegra Montes , Cebrenia quadrangle .
Kaynak: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Surface features are believed to have been caused by debris-covered glaciers These glaciers are termed lobate debris apron s when
Kaynak: Nilosyrtis Mensae
Lobates: File:Bathocyroe fosteri. jpg | Bathocyroe fosteri a common but fragile deep-sea lobate, oriented mouth down The Lobata have a pair of
Kaynak: Ctenophora
These deposits of rock debris are called lobate debris aprons (LDAs). These features have a convex topography and a gentle slope from
Kaynak: Evidence of water on Mars found by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

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