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lobby ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

lobby anlamı
1) lobi
2) kulis
3) hol
1) lobi oluşturmak
2) kulis yapmak
3) görüşme yapmak

"lobby" için örnek kullanımlar

There is no computer in the lobby of the Daily Comet's office in Thibodaux.
Thibodaux Günlük Comet ofisi lobide hiçbir bilgisayar var.
Kaynak: dailycomet.com
When I left the interview, I sat in the lobby of the Charles Hotel and cried.
Ben röportaj yaptı, ben Charles Hotel lobisinde oturdum ve ağladım.
Kaynak: bostonglobe.com
It was the end of a long lobby by the Ridge Meadows Minor Baseball Association.
Bu Ridge Meadows Minor Beyzbol Derneği tarafından uzun bir lobi sonuydu.
Kaynak: mapleridgenews.com
The gala party, which spills into the theater lobby, looks mighty promising, too.
Tiyatro lobi dökülür gala partisi, çok, güçlü umut verici görünüyor.
Kaynak: nola.com
Lobbying (also lobby) is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government , most often legislator s or
Kaynak: Lobbying
A lobby is a room in a building which is used for entry from the outside. Sometimes referred to as a foyer or an entrance hall .
Kaynak: Lobby (room)
Advocacy groups (also known as pressure groups, lobby groups, campaign groups, interest groups, or special interest groups) use various
Kaynak: Advocacy group
The Israel lobby (at times called the Zionist lobby or sometimes the Jewish lobby, even though it is a political and not religious lobby)
Kaynak: Israel lobby in the United States
A sky lobby is an intermediate interchange floor where people can change from an express elevator that stops only at the sky lobby to a
Kaynak: Sky lobby
The term Jewish lobby is used to describe organized lobbying attributed to Jews on domestic and foreign policy decisions, as a political
Kaynak: Jewish lobby
Israel lobby may refer to: Israel lobby in the United States Israel lobby in the United Kingdom The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy , a
Kaynak: Israel lobby
In United States politics , the China lobby is a pejorative phrase to describe special interest groups acting on behalf of the governments
Kaynak: China Lobby
pharmaceutical lobby — also known as the drug lobby — refers to the paid representatives of large pharmaceutical and biomedicine
Kaynak: Pharmaceutical lobby

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