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lobster ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

lobster anlamı
1) ıstakoz
2) böcek

"lobster" için örnek kullanımlar

Before you line up for that lobster roll, here's what you need to check for.
O ıstakoz rulo için sıraya önce, burada kontrol etmek için gerekenler.
Kaynak: foxnews.com
As he is leaving, he throws Harold's keys into the lobster tank.
O gidiyor, o ıstakoz tankı içine Harold tuşlarını atar.
Kaynak: examiner.com
5. Lobster pots worth thousands stolen from a St Agnes car park · Thumbnail image.
Bir St Agnes otopark · Thumbnail image çalınan binlerce değerinde 5. Istakoz kaplar.
Kaynak: thisiscornwall.co.uk
He said crab fishing starts in April and lobster fishing May 4.
O yengeci avında Nisan ve ıstakoz balıkçılık May 4 başlar dedi.
Kaynak: capebretonpost.com
The American lobster, Homarus americanus, is a species of lobster found on the Atlantic coast of North America , chiefly from Labrador
Kaynak: American lobster
Homarus gammarus, known as the European lobster or common lobster, is a species of clawed lobster from the eastern Atlantic Ocean ,
Kaynak: Homarus gammarus
Lobsters. For the purposes of fisheries, the term "lobster" includes true lobsters (Nephropidae), spiny lobster s (Palinuridae), slipper
Kaynak: Lobster fishing
Panulirus cygnus is a species of spiny lobster (family Palinuridae), found off the west coast of Australia . identified as the western rock lobster.
Kaynak: Panulirus cygnus
Lobster: A lobster graph is a tree in which all the vertices are within distance 2 of a central path Compare caterpillar . Web
Kaynak: List of graphs
A lobster trap or lobster pot is a portable trap that traps lobsters or crayfish and is used in lobster fishing . A lobster trap can
Kaynak: Lobster trap
Slipper lobsters are a family of decapod crustacean s found in all warm oceans and seas. Despite their name, they are not true lobster s
Kaynak: Slipper lobster
Furry lobsters (sometimes called coral lobsters) are small decapod crustacean s, closely related to the slipper lobster s and spiny
Kaynak: Furry lobster
A traditional lobster roll is a sandwich filled with lobster meat soaked in butter and served on a steamed hot dog bun or similar roll
Kaynak: Lobster roll
Lobster Newberg (also spelled Lobster Newburg) is an American seafood dish made from lobster , butter , cream , cognac , sherry , egg s,
Kaynak: Lobster Newberg

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