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long-distance ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

long-distance anlamı
1) şehirlerarası
2) uluslararası
3) uzun mesafeli

"long-distance" için örnek kullanımlar

Long-distance trails (or long-distance tracks, paths, footpaths or greenway s) are the longer recreational trails mainly through rural
Kaynak: Long-distance trail
The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres -(26 miles and 385 yards that is usually run
Kaynak: Marathon
In telecommunications , a long-distance call is a telephone call made outside a certain area, usually characterized by an area code
Kaynak: Long-distance calling
InterCity (commonly abbreviated IC on timetables and tickets) is the classification applied to certain long-distance passenger train
Kaynak: InterCity
On the VHF /UHF amateur bands, DX stations can be within the same country or continent , since making a long-distance VHF contact,
Kaynak: DXing
The European long-distance paths are a network of long-distance footpaths that traverse Europe . While most long-distance footpaths in
Kaynak: European long-distance paths
A long-distance relationship (LDR) is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a
Kaynak: Long-distance relationship
The following long-distance footpath s can be found in the United Kingdom : England and Wales: National Trails: National Trails are
Kaynak: Long-distance footpaths in the United Kingdom
There are 43 long-distance trail s in Ireland designated as National Waymarked Trails by the National Trails Office of the Irish Sports
Kaynak: Long-distance trails in the Republic of Ireland
This is a list of some long-distance footpath s used for walking and hiking .- Americas : Argentina : Los Glaciares Various options to Laguna
Kaynak: List of long-distance footpaths
In telephony , the long-distance operator is a telephone operator available to assist with making long distance telephone call s,
Kaynak: Long-distance operator
Wh- movement (or wh-fronting or wh-extraction or long-distance dependency) is a mechanism of syntax that helps express a question (or form
Kaynak: Wh-movement
The following is a list of long-distance trail s in the United States :date June 2011! Name ! Length ! Region ! Endpoint 1 !
Kaynak: Long-distance trails in the United States

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