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loquacity ne demek?

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"loquacity" için örnek kullanımlar

naiad nymph , daughter of the river Almo in Ovid's Fasti She was famous for both beauty and loquacity (a trait her parents attempted to curb).
Kaynak: Larunda
Jean-Michel Ferrand is well known for his gaudy appearance and meridional loquacity. References : fr | Jean-Michel Ferrand VIAF 222460649 NAME
Kaynak: Jean-Michel Ferrand
Its satire derides all classes and the court as well as curiosity, passion for finery, loquacity and the art of seduction of women.
Kaynak: Johannes Aal
An inscription on its plinth testifies to Abate Luigi's loquacity: FUI DELL'ANTICA ROMA UN CITTADINO ORA ABATE LUIGI OGNUN MI CHIAMA
Kaynak: Abbot Luigi
Citing the book as a prime example, Dan C. Mihăilescu called its author "a monster of brilliant loquacity". Commenting on the use of word
Kaynak: Paul Georgescu
ja Fantasio) Seccotine is known as Kitariina (a wordplay based on Katariina "Catherine" and kita "jaws", hinting at Seccotine's loquacity).
Kaynak: Seccotine
Miki becomes frustrated with her loquacity and tells Tomo never to speak to her again. Later, Tomo meets Kogure, who asks her to audition
Kaynak: Lemon Angel Project
He was of little less than medium height, broad in the shoulders, cheery in the eye, hiding under a rattling loquacity the fact that he
Kaynak: Hugh D. McIntosh
While most people might not have the same loquacity as young Adrian, and others might not have the same level of dysfunction in their
Kaynak: The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
impudence or arrogance or loquacity or ostentation or cunning or pedantic affectation or excessive and parasitical flattery or
Kaynak: De conscribendis epistolis
Publications: The "self-righteous loquacity" of Mrs. Nesbit has been compared to Mrs. Norris in Jane Austen 's Mansfield Park The French
Kaynak: Frances Jacson
and David John his appallingly precocious loquacity. At the end of ‘'Tomb of the Golden Bird Nefret reveals she is pregnant again.
Kaynak: Ramses Emerson
He equaled Cooper 's Deerslayer in woodcraft, in hardihood, in simplicity–and also in loquacity." File:Ben Lilly around 1915 with dead
Kaynak: Ben Lilly
His wit was not nimble; his success in his new role lay rather in drollery and ponderous loquacity, which, combined with his knowledge of
Kaynak: Frederick Schermbrucker
Such blunt words as "Kinsey" and "pregnant" and even "aphrodisiac" drop from the lips of the characters in unembarrassed loquacity.
Kaynak: The Tunnel of Love

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