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lowlands ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

lowlands anlamı

"lowlands" için örnek kullanımlar

Lowlands flooding the area will continue until the river level drops below 13 feet.
Nehir seviyesinin 13 metre altına düşene kadar alana sel Ovaları devam edecektir.
Kaynak: northescambia.com
Hierna volgden optredens in Paradiso, op Pinkpop, Lowlands en in de Heineken Music Hall.
Paradiso Hierna volgden optredens, op Pinkpop, de Heineken Music Hall Lowlands tr.
Kaynak: bluesmagazine.nl
On my last visit to Europe, I explored many places, including the lush lowlands of Holland.
Avrupa benim son ziyaretimde, ben Hollanda yemyeşil ovalar dahil birçok yerde, araştırdı.
Kaynak: nwaonline.com
As of Wednesday, meteorologists said one to four inches of snow is possible in the lowlands.
Çarşamba günü itibariyle, meteorologlar kar birine dört santim ovalarında mümkün olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: belgrade-news.com
The Bajío (lowlands) is a region of Central Mexico that includes the plains south of the Sierra de Guanajuato , in the state of Guanajuato
Kaynak: Bajío
jpg | Shfela lowlands The Shfela or Shephelah (הַשְּפֵלָה), also. שְׁפֵלַת יְהוּדָה. Shfelat Yehuda, "Judean foothills", is a lowland in
Kaynak: Shfela
generally considered to be land that is at a higher elevation than the alluvial plain or stream terrace , which are considered to be "lowlands".
Kaynak: Upland and lowland (freshwater ecology)

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