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maculation ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

maculation anlamı
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"maculation" için örnek kullanımlar

Shiny, sparkling green, weak elytral orange maculation. From Guadalcanal, in the Salomon islands. The type specimen is in the British
Kaynak: Poecilopharis
The signature mark of all butterflies is the cryptic colour and maculation of the ventral (under) side of their wings, serving to conceal
Kaynak: Nymphalini
Adults are extremely variable in colour and maculation. The colour ranges from nearly white to dark-grey and immaculate to specimens with
Kaynak: Gabara subnivosella
Populations from the Cascade Mountains tend to be slightly greyer and have more clearly defined maculation than specimens from the coastal
Kaynak: Hesperumia latipennis
Most of the maculation is obscure. Both the orbicular and reniform spots are present as small contrasting light spots or are obscure.
Kaynak: Ogdoconta satana
The dorsal forewing is reddish brown with obscure maculation, except for slightly paler antemedial and postmedial lines. The hindwings are
Kaynak: Ufeus felsensteini
In the darker, more common form, the forewing is reddish brown with the maculation sharply defined by dark-red lines. The medial area is
Kaynak: Hypotrix alamosa
The name refers to the yellowish-brown ground color of the maculation. References : Category:Animals described in 2011 Category:Ennominae
Kaynak: Neotherina xanthosa

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