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mailable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mailable anlamı
1) posta ile gönderilebilir

"mailable" için örnek kullanımlar

According to the United States Postal Service , an address is valid (or mailable) if it is CASS-Certified. comprehensive list of mailable
Kaynak: Postal address verification
contracting parties agree to receive at the post offices of those ports all mailable matter, and to forward it as directed, the destination
Kaynak: Hawaiian Missionaries
power to prescribe standards for the literature or the art which a mailable periodical (not obscene) disseminates, or to determine whether
Kaynak: Hannegan v. Esquire, Inc.
organizatins' First Amendment rights trumped a 1934 statute imposing a $300 fine for placing mailable material into a mailbox without postage.
Kaynak: William C. Conner
In 1999, Slab-O-Concrete published another 16-page mailable minicomic called Donna's Day, by Donna Mathes and Peter Bagge . One of their
Kaynak: Slab-O-Concrete
The PES only cover "letters" and not other mailable items such as parcels or periodicals . Exceptions "Extremely urgent" letters
Kaynak: Private Express Statutes
Modelling capabilities: Small disk space, even huge models are mailable. The PLPAK can provide the user with soil reaction map in foundation
Kaynak: PLPAK
the Post Office imposed a maximum daily mailable limit of two hundred pounds per customer per day after a business entrepreneur, W.H.
Kaynak: Parcel post
These include expanded measurements during on-site visits, mailable anthropomorphic phantoms, and increased computerization of all RPC
Kaynak: Radiological Physics Center
work of experimental adolescents than to anything of literary merit" and initially judged it as non-mailable under the provisions of 18 | 1461
Kaynak: Naked Lunch
edition" of Lawrence's novel, and the Postmaster barred it under section 1461 of Title 18 of the United States Code as "obscene and un-mailable
Kaynak: June 1959
Postal stationery are mailable products, issued by postal authorities, such as envelope s, letter sheet s, postcard s, lettercard s,
Kaynak: Postal history
This means that every single mailable point in the country has its own 12-digit number (at least in theory). The delivery-point digits
Kaynak: ZIP code
.shall also be deemed mailable matter, and charged with postage at the rate of one cent an ounce.” Private companies soon began issuing
Kaynak: Postage stamps and postal history of the United States
Elements of addressing and preparing domestic mail: All mailable articles (e.g., letters, flats, machinable parcels, irregular parcels, etc
Kaynak: United States Postal Service

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