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maladministration ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

maladministration anlamı
1) kötü yönetim
2) görevin aksatılması

"maladministration" için örnek kullanımlar

Let's hope that if he does conjure up a victory it's because of shrewd captaincy rather than maladministration.
Diyelim ki bir zafer hokkabaz yoksa bunun nedeni oldukça kötü yönetime daha kurnaz kaptanlığı arasında olduğunu umuyoruz.
Kaynak: mid-day.com
The investigations which proved the minister right in his suspicions of maladministration prompted the president H.E Ahmed
Kötü yönetimi düzeltecek şüpheleri içinde bakanı kanıtladı soruşturmalar HE Ahmed başkanı istenir
Kaynak: somalilandsun.com
The ratio of decision in favour of the taxpayers is 85 percent, which shows maladministration of the FBR officials, he added.
Mükelleflerin lehine karar oranı FBR görevlilerinin kötü yönetim gösteren, yüzde 85 olduğunu da sözlerine ekledi.
Kaynak: thenews.com.pk
He wants to preserve the good faith his government seems to be enjoying in Europe at the moment and deal with the maladministration in his government.
Onun hükümeti kötü yönetimi ile moment ve anlaşma yaptığı hükümetinin Avrupa'da zevk gibi görünüyor iyi niyetle korumak istiyor.
Kaynak: spiegel.de
charged with representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints of maladministration or violation of rights.
Kaynak: Ombudsman
As with all public budgets, the EU's budget is also at risk of maladministration . Every year, the Court of Auditors reports on the
Kaynak: Accountability in the European Union
She confronted the Government over several serious acts of maladministration, which led to an unprecedented tabling of reports under s10(3
Kaynak: Ann Abraham
Maladministration : The term 'maladministration ' is not defined in the Act. During the debate over the Bill, the Leader of the House of
Kaynak: Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967
Firstly, under Part 2 of the Act, he investigates complaints by members of the public concerning maladministration, failure in a relevant
Kaynak: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
later as a Member of the Parliament of Ireland , although he lost both positions following allegations of maladministration and peculation .
Kaynak: Arthur Jones-Nevill
An independent Ombudsman deals with maladministration complaints and functions as the national human rights institution . Executive
Kaynak: Government of Colombia
Representatives to bring formal charges against a state officer for "bribery , corruption , malpractice or maladministration, in office."
Kaynak: Impeachment in New Hampshire
Under ss3(4)-(7), the Ombudsman may not question the merits of a decision taken without maladministration in the exercise of discretion
Kaynak: Health Service Commissioners Act 1993
And despite being dismissed for maladministration, Nevill was allowed to sell the post on to Thomas Eyre in 1752 Eyre was the last holder
Kaynak: Surveyor General of Ireland
The most important example being that of maladministration in high office. Examples in English Law: A number of United Kingdom Statutes
Kaynak: High misdemeanor
In 1687 he was accused of maladministration by the Earl of Perth and was stripped of his appointments. From 1685 he was one of the lords
Kaynak: William Douglas, 1st Duke of Queensberry
been a minor figure in the Conservative Party in Belfast, before his duties were discharged on a Chancery Court ruling of maladministration.
Kaynak: Dawson Bates
In 98 BC, Aquillius was accused by Lucius Fufius of maladministration in Sicily. In the trial he was defended by Marcus Antonius Orator
Kaynak: Manius Aquillius (consul 101 BC)
spoke vociferously on a wide range of issues including civil rights, education, government maladministration, corruption, and child welfare.
Kaynak: Anne Warner (politician)
In the absence of any capable and powerful ruler, the inevitable result was a civil war and maladministration within the state.
Kaynak: Ranjit Singh of Bharatpur
Restoration Both Samuel Pepys and William Berkeley Governor of Virginia, railed at times against Povey's incompetence and maladministration.
Kaynak: Thomas Povey

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