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maleficence ne demek?

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maleficence anlamı
1) zarar

"maleficence" için örnek kullanımlar

Non-maleficence, which is derived from the maxim, is one of the principal precepts of medical ethics that all medical students are taught
Kaynak: Primum non nocere
Non-Maleficence: Primum non nocere. The concept of non-maleficence is embodied by the phrase, "first, do no harm," or the Latin, primum non
Kaynak: Medical ethics
The antonym of this term, maleficence, describes a practice which opposes the welfare of any research participant. The concept that medical
Kaynak: Beneficence (ethics)
Nursing ethics shares many principles with medical ethics , such as beneficence , non-maleficence and respect for autonomy .
Kaynak: Nursing ethics
Incessantly (plagued by) maleficence, (doomed to) insidious death (is) he who breaks this (monument). B I prophesy destruction / prophecy
Kaynak: Björketorp Runestone
C Incessantly (plagued by) maleficence, (doomed to) insidious death (is) he who this: D breaks. Interpretation: In lines AP and AQ, in the
Kaynak: Stentoften Runestone
(Note: these statements are formulations of the ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence .) In response to the Nazi human
Kaynak: Medical torture
Ross gives a list of seven prima facie duties, which he does not claim is all-inclusive: fidelity; reparation; gratitude; non-maleficence
Kaynak: W. D. Ross
autonomy , beneficence , non-maleficence and justice have been legitimized by Muslims jurists as falling into the sphere of Islamic law
Kaynak: Islamic bioethics
to believe the sign to be an unfaithful copy, which "masks and denatures" reality as an "evil appearance—it is of the order of maleficence".
Kaynak: Simulacra and Simulation
bioethics' (autonomy , justice , beneficence, non-maleficence), or the Barcelona Principles (autonomy, dignity , integrity , vulnerability
Kaynak: Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Others have added non-maleficence, human dignity and the sanctity of life to this list of cardinal values. Another important principle of
Kaynak: Bioethics
Seeing him thus upset, Saladin said to him in a reassuring tone: "This man was killed only because of his maleficence and perfidy".
Kaynak: Raynald of Châtillon
Children, Free Religious Expression, Free Religious Practice, Non-maleficence, Beneficence, Non-offensiveness, Respect for Learning, and Fairness.
Kaynak: Robert Rocco Cottone
This man was only killed because of his maleficence and perfidy." "The True Cross was fixed upside down on a lance and sent to Damascus.
Kaynak: Battle of Hattin
across or even between whole societies Terms like beneficence and non-maleficence are vital to the overall understanding of medical ethics.
Kaynak: Philosophy of healthcare
Incessantly (plagued by) maleficence, (doomed to) insidious death (is) he who breaks this (monument). I prophesy destruction / prophecy
Kaynak: Runes
clinical placement where six values are portrayed the most: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, dignity, truthfulness and honesty.
Kaynak: Technoethics
The physician is bound under the ethical principles of beneficence (promoting well-being) and non-maleficence ("first, do no harm"), and
Kaynak: Circumcision
Under these circumstances, the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence must be adhered to. United States: In most states in the USA, a
Kaynak: Electroconvulsive therapy

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