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mammillary ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mammillary anlamı
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2) göğüs

"mammillary" için örnek kullanımlar

region with the back part of the superior articular process , and is named the mammillary process (processus mamillaris) or mammillary tubercle.
Kaynak: Mammillary process
The mammillary bodies (mamillary bodies) are a pair of small round bodies, located on the undersurface of the brain , that, as part of
Kaynak: Mammillary body
The tuber cinereum is a hollow eminence of gray matter situated between the mammillary bodies and the optic chiasm . The tuber cinereum
Kaynak: Tuber cinereum
hippocampal formation (subiculum ) → fornix → mammillary bodies → mammillothalamic tract → anterior thalamic nucleus → cingulum →
Kaynak: Papez circuit
arises from cells in both the medial and lateral nuclei of the mammillary body and by fibers that are directly continued from the fornix .
Kaynak: Mammillothalamic fasciculus
is a small bundle of fibers from the mammillary body , that emerges together with the mammillothalamic tract of Vicq d'Azyr from the
Kaynak: Mammillotegmental fasciculus
lateral dorsal thalamic nuclei), lateral mammillary nucleus , dorsal tegmental nucleus, striatum and entorhinal cortex (Sargolini et al.,
Kaynak: Head direction cells
mammillary bodies , periaqueductal and periventricular brainstem nuclei, and superior cerebellar vermis, often resulting from inadequate
Kaynak: Wernicke's encephalopathy
The crystal habit is as platy and mammillary encrustations on its matrix. Occurrence: The environment of formation, associated only with
Kaynak: Hellyerite
hypothalamic mammillary body and the anterior nuclear complex in the thalamus, so its role as a limbic structure cannot be completely dismissed.
Kaynak: Hippocampus
the lateral or costiform process, the mammillary process , and the accessory process The costiform is lateral, the mammillary is superior
Kaynak: Lumbar vertebrae
It forms botryoidal to mammillary clay -like masses. It is very soft Mohs hardness of 1 with a specific gravity of 1.66—1.7.
Kaynak: Aluminite
encephalopathy , characterized clinically by confabulation and clinicopathologically correlated with degeneration of the mammillary bodies .
Kaynak: Wernicke syndrome
Zaratite crystallizes in the isometric crystal system as massive to mammillary encrustations and vein fillings. It has a specific gravity
Kaynak: Zaratite
Hypothalamus (limbic system ) (HPA axis ): Mammillary nuclei (part of mammillary bodies ) Posterior nucleus Lateral area. Posterior part of
Kaynak: List of regions in the human brain
Lateral tuberal nuclei | Posterior Medial mammillary bodies) (MB) | memory | Posterior nucleus (PN) | Increase blood pressure
Kaynak: Hypothalamus
Korsakoff's syndrome stems from damage to the mammillary body , the mammillothalamic fasciculus or the thalamus. Fatal familial insomnia
Kaynak: Thalamus
paratenial and anteromedial nucleus of the thalamus, and through the medial forebrain bundle to the pars posterior of the medial mammillary nucleus.
Kaynak: Septal nuclei

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