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managerial ne demek?

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managerial anlamı
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2) yönetimsel
3) yönetim ile ilgili

"managerial" için örnek kullanımlar

O'Driscoll used his experiences as a player to shape his managerial career.
O'Driscoll onun yönetim kariyeri şekillendirmek için bir oyuncu olarak onun deneyimlerinden yararlanıyorlardı.
Kaynak: teamtalk.com
NEIL Lennon was six years old when Craig Brown took up his first managerial post.
Craig Brown ilk yönetim göreve geldi NEIL Lennon altı yaşındaydı.
Kaynak: scotsman.com
Zola was delighted with his first managerial award of his career.
Zola Kariyerinin ilk yönetsel ödülü ile sevindi.
Kaynak: eatsleepsport.com
Something doesn't sit right about the idea of writing his managerial obituary, though.
Bir şey olsa, onun yönetsel ölüm ilanını yazmak fikri hakkında doğru oturmak değildir.
Kaynak: heraldscotland.com
management, the shifting nature of definitions and the connection of managerial practices with the existence of a managerial cadre or class .
Kaynak: Management
Managerial finance is the branch of finance that concerns itself with the managerial significance of finance techniques. It is focused on
Kaynak: Managerial finance
Management accounting or managerial accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within
Kaynak: Management accounting
The managerial grid model (1964) is a behavior al leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton . This model originally
Kaynak: Managerial grid model
Managerial prerogatives are the discretionary powers left at any moment in the hands of managers. it is an area of managerial decision-
Kaynak: Managerial prerogative
The use of epidemiological tools in health care management can be described as managerial epidemiology. proposed for managerial epidemiology.
Kaynak: Managerial epidemiology
The term managerial assessment of proficiency (MAP) describes a methodology for the assessment of managerial competence in human resource
Kaynak: Managerial assessment of proficiency
Ideal managerial climate (IMC) is a concept within organizational communication Introduced by W. Charles Redding in 1972, this
Kaynak: Ideal managerial climate

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