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manlike ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

manlike anlamı
1) erkek gibi
2) erkekçe

"manlike" için örnek kullanımlar

Deliziosa anche Natasha Goldenberg in versione manlike, con il completo stampato dal mood anni 70, sempre di Stella McCartney.
Versione erkekçe, con il completo Stampato dal ruh anni 70, sempre di Stella McCartney içinde Deliziosa anche Natasha Goldenberg.
Kaynak: grazia.it
Anthropoid apes or manlike apes, is a name formerly given to what is now classified as the infraorder of Simian s. References
Kaynak: Anthropoid ape
Anthropomorpha is a defunct taxon which contained the manlike, or anthropoid, ape s. The order was established by Carl Linnaeus in the
Kaynak: Anthropomorpha
"Hic Mulier" (Latin : This manlike Woman - hic being the masculine form of the demonstrative pronoun jokingly applied to the feminine noun)
Kaynak: Hic Mulier
But sometimes it was manlike, and sometimes it was merely a fish. All of its realizations were interchangeable. (1967:217-8) Name 蛟
Kaynak: Jiaolong
It is supposedly a large, 7 ft (~2.1 m) tall, hairy, black, manlike creature that eats dogs and emits a terrible odor. Some suggest it was
Kaynak: Momo the Monster
muskobani, muskobanj, ostajnica (Serbian: means man-woman, manlike, she who stays), tombelija, basa, harambasa (Montenegrin), tobelija
Kaynak: Albanian sworn virgins
In contrast with these, it is considered one of the glories of the Olympian mythology of Greece that it believed in happy manlike beings
Kaynak: Anthropotheism
These anthropomorphisms, however, whether they speak of God as having manlike form or as displaying a manlike activity, are used in the
Kaynak: Chovot HaLevavot

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