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marcescent ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

marcescent anlamı
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"marcescent" için örnek kullanımlar

Several trees normally have marcescent leaves such as oak (Quercus beech (Fagus) and hornbeam (Carpinus). Marcescent leaves of pin oak
Kaynak: Marcescence
Many deciduous species are marcescent , not dropping dead leaves until spring. The flower s are catkin s, produced in spring .
Kaynak: Oak
was Elias Magnus Fries who in 1838 classified white-spored agarics having a tough central stipe in this taxon if they were marcescent , i.e.
Kaynak: Marasmius
Leaves are marcescent , turning brown but remaining on the tree all winter until new leaves emerge in the spring. Cultivation The oak is
Kaynak: Quercus pyrenaica
The leaves are 2 | to | 6 | cm | in | abbr off long and marcescent , remaining on the shrub as they die. The inflorescence is a hairy,
Kaynak: Arctostaphylos rubra
N. gajah is the aberration in the genus with its short internodes, marcescent leaves and interfoliar inflorescence, a combination of
Kaynak: Nenga
remain on the tree through winter; these dry persistent leaves are called marcescent leaves and are dropped in the spring as new growth begins.
Kaynak: Deciduous
families and different parts of the world have evolved this growth form characterized by evergreen rosettes growing above marcescent leaves.
Kaynak: Rosette (botany)
divided these mushrooms from those of Marasmius , which had the property of being able to revive after having dried out (called "marcescent").
Kaynak: Collybia
Its basal leaves are mostly reniform (kidney shaped) and marcescent , while the cauline leaves (leaves of the stem) are linear and are
Kaynak: Ranunculus allenii
Dead leaves are marcescent in juvenile palms, but abscise neatly in adults. The inflorescence is infrafoliar and surrounded by a 90 | cm |
Kaynak: Beccariophoenix alfredii
Subspecies: marcescens - marcescent dudleya. D. c. subsp. ovatifolia - Santa Monica Mountains dudleya. The subspecies marcescens and ovatifolia
Kaynak: Dudleya cymosa

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