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margin ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

margin anlamı
1) kenar
2) pay
3) tolerans
4) mesafe
5) ihtiyat akçesi
6) fazlalık
7) ayrım
1) kenara yazmak
2) kenar yapmak

"margin" için örnek kullanımlar

The group's healthy operating margin of 29% provides further defensive solidity.
% 29 grubunun sağlıklı faaliyet kar marjı daha defansif sağlamlık sağlar.
Kaynak: fool.com
An England win by any margin would secure a first Grand Slam triumph in a decade.
Herhangi bir farkla bir İngiltere kazanmak bir on yıl içinde ilk Grand Slam zaferini güvenli olacaktır.
Kaynak: dailytelegraph.com.au
Total cumulative margin of victory for the six games: 20 points.
20 puan: altı oyunlar için zafer toplam kümülatif marjı.
Kaynak: indyweek.com
The key is for the Bruins to keep the rebounding margin close.
Bruins ribaund marjı yakın tutmak için anahtardır.
Kaynak: foxsportswest.com
Gross margin is the difference between revenue and cost before accounting for certain other costs. Generally, it is calculated as the
Kaynak: Gross margin
In finance , a margin is collateral that the holder of a financial instrument has to deposit to cover some or all of the credit risk of
Kaynak: Margin (finance)
Profit margin, net margin, net profit margin or net profit ratio all refer to a measure of profitability . It is calculated by finding the
Kaynak: Profit margin
There are two subtypes of venation, namely, craspedodromous, where the major veins stretch up to the margin of the leaf, and camptodromous
Kaynak: Leaf
The continental margin is the zone of the ocean floor that separates the thin oceanic crust from thick continental crust .
Kaynak: Continental margin
In typography , a margin is the area between the main content of a page and the page edges The margin helps to define where a line of text
Kaynak: Margin (typography)
term margin | content terminal and marginal terminal | marginal 1 Along the margin. term termen | content termen 1 The edge of the wing
Kaynak: Glossary of entomology terms
possession; therefore, the number of possessions (n) necessary is equal to the point margin, divided by eight, rounded up to the nearest integer.
Kaynak: Glossary of American football
In economics , a margin is a set of constraint s conceptualised as a border A marginal change is the change associated with a relaxation
Kaynak: Margin (economics)
In machine learning the margin of a single data point is defined to be the distance from the data point to a decision boundary .
Kaynak: Margin (machine learning)
A passive margin is the transition between oceanic and continental crust which is not an active plate margin . It is constructed by
Kaynak: Passive margin
The margin of error is a statistic expressing the amount of random sampling error in a survey 's results. The larger the margin of error
Kaynak: Margin of error
Surgical margin, also known as tumor free margin, free margin, normal skin margin, and normal tissue margin, usually refers to the visible
Kaynak: Surgical margin
In business , operating margin — also known as operating income margin, operating profit margin and return on sales (ROS) — is the ratio of
Kaynak: Operating margin
The costal margin, sometimes referred to as the costal arch, is the medial margin formed by the false ribs and one true rib—specifically
Kaynak: Costal margin

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