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marshal ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

marshal anlamı
1) mareşal
2) polis müdürü
1) sıralamak
2) dizmek

"marshal" için örnek kullanımlar

Fire marshal Wayne Roger said hot water was a safe way to get the job done.
İtfaiye Wayne Roger sıcak su işi yapmak için güvenli bir yol olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.ca
After the meeting, she was escorted out of the courthouse by a U.S. Marshal.
Toplantıdan sonra, o bir ABD Marshal tarafından mahkemeden dışarı götürüldü.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
But fear now, as you can marshal mass hordes of demons to fight by your side.
Eğer senin yanında mücadele şeytanların kitle ordularını sıralamakta gibi Ama şimdi korkuyorum.
Kaynak: gamingbolt.com
We challenge you to marshal your forces through Brics for effectiveness and higher impact.
Sizlere etkinliği ve yüksek etki için BRICS aracılığıyla güçleri sıralamakta meydan.
Kaynak: thenewage.co.za
Field marshal is a military rank. Usually it is the highest rank in an army , and when it is the highest rank few (if any) persons are
Kaynak: Field marshal
Marshal of the air force is the English term for the most senior rank in a number of air force s. can properly be considered marshal ranks.
Kaynak: Marshal of the air force
A fire marshal, in the United States and Canada , is often a member of a fire department but may be part of a building department or a
Kaynak: Fire marshal
The Grand marshal's deputy was named marszałek nadworny (marshal of the court), who was taking care for the court and the safety of the
Kaynak: Marszałek

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