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mastication ne demek?

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mastication anlamı
1) çiğneme

"mastication" için örnek kullanımlar

He has form in the area of reptile mastication.
O, sürüngen çiğneme alanında formuna sahiptir.
Kaynak: couriermail.com.au
During mastication , four muscles of mastication (or musculi masticatorii) are responsible for adduction and lateral motion of the jaw.
Kaynak: Muscles of mastication
Fletcher argued that his mastication method will increase the amount of strength a person could have while actually decreasing the amount
Kaynak: Horace Fletcher
The medial pterygoid (or internal pterygoid muscle), is a thick, quadrilateral muscle of mastication . The mandibular branch of the fifth
Kaynak: Medial pterygoid muscle
com/masticatory+force Masticatory force or force of mastication is defined as a force , which is created by the dynamic action of the
Kaynak: Masticatory force
When food enters the mouth, its digestion starts by the action of mastication , a form of mechanical digestion, and the contact of saliva
Kaynak: Digestion
In human anatomy, the masseter is one of the muscles of mastication . In the animal kingdom, it is particularly powerful in herbivores to
Kaynak: Masseter muscle
The temporal muscle, also known as the temporalis, is one of the muscles of mastication . It covers much of the temporal bone .
Kaynak: Temporal muscle
The tongue is a muscular hydrostat on the floors of the mouth s of most vertebrate s which manipulates food for mastication .
Kaynak: Tongue
Trismus may mean reduced opening of the jaws caused by spasm of the muscles of mastication, or it may generally refer to all causes of
Kaynak: Trismus
The lateral pterygoid (or external pterygoid) is a muscle of mastication with two heads. It lies superiorly to the medial pterygoid .
Kaynak: Lateral pterygoid muscle
branchial arch , namely the muscles of mastication , the tensor tympani , tensor veli palatini , mylohyoid , and anterior belly of the digastric .
Kaynak: Trigeminal motor nucleus
Crispiness or crispness is the gustatory sensation of brittleness in the mouth , such that the food item shatters immediately upon mastication .
Kaynak: Crispiness
Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory disease in dog s affecting the muscle s of mastication (chewing). It is also known
Kaynak: Masticatory muscle myositis
Chewiness is the mouthfeel sensation of labored mastication due to sustained, elastic resistance from a foodstuff . Canonically chewy
Kaynak: Chewiness
Chew or Chewing usually refers to mastication. Chew or Chewing may also refer to: Chew (comics), an American comic book. Chewing (Input
Kaynak: Chew (disambiguation)
The Sphenomandibularis is a muscle attaching to the sphenoid bone and the mandible It is a muscle of mastication Unlike most of the
Kaynak: Sphenomandibularis
During mastication (chewing), the cheeks and tongue between them serve to keep the food between the teeth. See also : Blushing
Kaynak: Cheek
The neurons in the dorsal half of this nucleus fire rhythmically during mastication , and in an anesthetized animal it is possible to
Kaynak: Caudal pontine reticular nucleus

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