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matter ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

matter anlamı
1) madde
2) konu
3) mesele
4) önem
5) şey
6) husus
7) öz
8) cerahat
9) cisim
10) irin
11) iltihap
1) önemi olmak
2) önemli olmak
3) iltihaplanmak

"matter" için örnek kullanımlar

Perhaps a better question would be, does winning free agency even matter?
Belki daha iyi bir soru bile fark ücretsiz ajans kazanan yok, olurdu?
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
1 seed in the Midwest no matter what happens this week at United Center.
Midwest Birleşik Merkezi'nde bu hafta ne olursa olsun 1 tohum.
Kaynak: thestarpress.com
It's only a matter of time before someone hacks SimCity's intrusive DRM.
Sadece birisi kesmek SimCity müdahaleci DRM önce zaman meselesi.
Kaynak: o.canada.com
The FA said it will not be making any further comment on this matter.
FA bu konuda daha fazla yorum yapmayacağım dedi.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
In philosophy , the theory of materialism holds that the only thing that exists is matter or energy ; that all things are composed of
Kaynak: Materialism
No matter how smooth and clear a log is on the outside, it is more or less knotty near the middle. Consequently the sapwood of an old tree
Kaynak: Wood
Quark matter or QCD matter refers to any of a number of theorized phases of matter whose degrees of freedom include quark s and gluon s.
Kaynak: QCD matter
Most frequently, classical elements refer to ancient beliefs inspired by natural observation of the phases of matter ; with the classical
Kaynak: Classical element
however, there is conjecture that it is possible to produce a new stable state of matter by compressing ultracold deuterium in a Rydberg state
Kaynak: Deuterium
Where a legal proceeding does not have formally designated adverse parties, the form In re , Re, In the matter of, etc. is used, for
Kaynak: Legal case
Dualism sees the world as being composed of two fundamental substances, for example, the Cartesian substance dualism of mind and matter.
Kaynak: Substance theory
Matter has parallels with substance in so far as primary matter serves as the substratum for simple bodies which are not substance: sand
Kaynak: Four causes
Mulaprakruti can be translated as "the root of nature" or "root of Prakruti it is a closer definition of 'fundamental matter'; and is
Kaynak: Prakṛti
In philosophy , hyle (icon | ˈ | h | aɪ | l | iː; from ὕλη) refers to matter or stuff. It can also be the material cause underlying a
Kaynak: Hyle
In nature, however, the matter obstructing an object's path is a limiting factor that's inversely proportional to the viscosity - of the
Kaynak: Aristotelian physics
In fact rūpa is more essentially defined by its amenability to being sensed than its being matter: just like everything else it is defined
Kaynak: Rūpa

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