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maximize ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

maximize anlamı
1) maksimuma çıkarmak
2) en geniş anlamı ile açıklamak

"maximize" için örnek kullanımlar

Businesses try to optimize prices and sales in order to maximize revenues.
İşletmeler gelirleri maksimize etmek amacıyla fiyatları ve satış optimize etmeyi deneyin.
Kaynak: truth-out.org
Maximize the performance space's large windows and place the audience outside.
Performans alanı geniş pencereleri maksimize ve seyirci dışına yerleştirin.
Kaynak: blogs.houstonpress.com
The company has made all possible efforts to maximize the efficiency of the car.
Şirket arabası verimliliğini maksimize etmek için mümkün olan tüm gayreti göstermiştir.
Kaynak: post.jagran.com
Short front and rear overhangs maximize interior space.
Kısa ön ve arka çıkıntılar iç mekan maksimize.
Kaynak: theautochannel.com
In microeconomics , the utility maximization problem is the problem consumers face: "how should I spend my money in order to maximize my
Kaynak: Utility maximization problem
An entropy maximization problem is a convex optimization problem of the form: maximize f_0(vec x) - sum_i 1^n x_i log x_i :
Kaynak: Entropy maximization
CVM framework uses creative, technology, media and process along with robust measurement systems to help marketers maximize returns from
Kaynak: Customer value maximization
In economics , the term economic efficiency refers to the use of resources so as to maximize the production of goods and services An
Kaynak: Economic efficiency
A social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being,
Kaynak: Social enterprise
In computing and computer science , an optimizing compiler is a compiler that tries to minimize or maximize some attributes of an
Kaynak: Optimizing compiler

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