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mediator ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mediator anlamı
1) aracı
2) arabulucu
3) uzlaştırıcı

"mediator" için örnek kullanımlar

Drita steps in as the mediator and confirms that Carla was out of line.
Drita arabulucu olarak adım ve Carla çizgi dışında olduğunu doğruluyor.
Kaynak: jewishjournal.com
Rural debt mediator Jannette Walker predicted a long and acrimonious battle.
Kırsal borç arabulucu Jannette Walker, uzun ve sert savaş öngördü.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
There's nothing about serving as a real estate agent, mediator or cheerleader.
Bir emlakçı, arabulucu ya da amigo olarak hizmet hakkında bir şey yok.
Kaynak: columbiamissourian.com
An independent mediator is being brought in to try to resolve the differences.
Bağımsız bir arabulucu farklılıkları çözmek için getirilen ediliyor.
Kaynak: dailycal.org
Mediator may refer to: A person who engages in mediation Business mediator , a mediator in business. Vanishing mediator , a philosophical
Kaynak: Mediator
Typically, a third party, the mediator, assists the parties to negotiate a settlement. Disputants may mediate disputes in a variety of
Kaynak: Mediation
The mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. This pattern is considered to be a behavioral
Kaynak: Mediator pattern
The classic formal mediative process is referral for mediation before a court appointed mediator or mediation panel. Structured
Kaynak: Alternative dispute resolution
With Napoleon acting as a mediator, representatives of the Swiss cantons met in Paris to end the conflict and officially dissolve the
Kaynak: Act of Mediation
such as "royal mediator" and "explorer" after the 2007 Belgian government formation failed for months to produce a clear prospect for a
Kaynak: Formateur
Christ's office as mediator of the New Covenant comprehends three different functions, viz., those of a prophet, priest, and king.
Kaynak: Kingly office of Christ
A business mediator is a neutral mediator that is engaged between two business parties that have required the services of the other and
Kaynak: Business mediator
A vanishing mediator is a concept that exists to mediate between two opposing ideas, as a transition occurs between them. the mediator
Kaynak: Vanishing mediator

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