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mediocrity ne demek?

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mediocrity anlamı
1) sıradanlık
2) vasatlık

"mediocrity" için örnek kullanımlar

Wednesday night will doubtless foster some more celebration of mediocrity.
Çarşamba gecesi şüphesiz sıradanlık biraz daha kutlama teşvik edecektir.
Kaynak: sport24.co.za
To call it mediocre would be a slap in the face of good, solid mediocrity.
Vasat aramak için iyi, sağlam sıradanlık yüzüne bir tokat olacaktır.
Kaynak: foxsportssouth.com
They are team who had, for so long, been in the doldrums of mediocrity.
Onlar sıradanlık sıkılan olmuştur, bu kadar uzun süre vardı ekibiz.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
In fact, almost every Canucks team statistic screams mediocrity, if not worse.
Kötü değil, aslında, hemen hemen her Canucks takım istatistik, sıradanlık haykırıyor.
Kaynak: prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com
Mediocre and mediocrity may refer to: Mediocre. Mediocre (album), 2008 album by Ximena Sariñana. Mediocre American Man Trilogy , three films
Kaynak: Mediocre
The mediocrity principle is the philosophical notion that "if an item is drawn at random from one of several sets or categories, it's
Kaynak: Mediocrity principle
The rare earth hypothesis is the contrary of the widely accepted principle of mediocrity (also called the Copernican principle ),
Kaynak: Rare Earth hypothesis
observers of the universe In this sense, it is equivalent to the mediocrity principle , with important implications for the philosophy of science .
Kaynak: Copernican principle
Although the Washington team endured long bouts of mediocrity (immortalized in the 1955 Broadway musical Damn Yankees they had a period
Kaynak: Minnesota Twins
the masterpieces which followed them proved in the long run much more effective weapons against the prevailing wikt:mediocrity | mediocrity .
Kaynak: Xenien
the definition comprised: banality, artifice, mediocrity, and ostentation so extreme as to have perversely sophisticated appeal American
Kaynak: Camp (style)
But the Senators are remembered more for their many years of mediocrity and futility, including six last-place finishes in the 1940s and
Kaynak: History of the Washington Senators
In both his stand-up performances and during interviews, he often criticized consumerism , superficiality , mediocrity, and banality
Kaynak: Bill Hicks
Plagued with mediocrity in their first few seasons of existence, the Diplomats did not qualify for the playoffs until 1976, their fifth
Kaynak: Washington Diplomats
However, the end of the decade saw a slight decline into mediocrity. 1960: Mode football | Year 1960 | Team Alabama Crimson Tide | Conference
Kaynak: Alabama Crimson Tide football, 1960–1969
We're sick of mediocrity in their bodies who walk empty streets without any real purpose. This album talks about them, about their sorrow
Kaynak: El Conquistadors
The World Series win earned the team the sobriquet "Miracle Mets," as they had risen from the depths of mediocrity (the 1969 team had the
Kaynak: 1969 World Series
Historically, what is now called regression toward the mean has also been called reversion to the mean and reversion to mediocrity.
Kaynak: Regression toward the mean
After publication he became so disappointed with its mediocrity that he reportedly made efforts to procure all copies of the book and have
Kaynak: Étienne Pierre Ventenat

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