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meekness ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

meekness anlamı
1) alçakgönüllülük
2) uysallık

"meekness" için örnek kullanımlar

My meekness was palpable, but I still just simply loved to skate.
Benim alçakgönüllülük palpabl idi, ama hala sadece sadece paten ekledi.
Kaynak: cbc.ca
with us according to thy meekness, and according to the multitude of thy mercies.
bize senin uysallık göre, ve senin merhametine çokluğu değerlerine göre.
Kaynak: catholicnewsagency.com
We must submit our will to God and wear the bridle of meekness.
Biz Tanrı'ya irademizi teslim ve alçakgönüllülük ve dizgin giymelidir.
Kaynak: waxahachietx.com
Any notions of meekness and quietude were tabled for the night.
Uysallık ve sükunet Herhangi kavramları gece masaya yatırıldı.
Kaynak: deseretnews.com
Meek is the adjectival form of meekness. Meek may also refer to: Meek (surname), a surname (and list of people with the name) MeeK (musician)
Kaynak: Meek (disambiguation)
Notwithstanding the meekness and affability of his upright and moderate character, modest to a fault (he had the classical sculptures in
Kaynak: Pope Clement XIII
She was famed for her beauty and meekness. (Her posthumous name started a trend for the rest of Eastern Han Dynasty, where empresses'
Kaynak: Empress Yin Lihua
Neḥunya was rich and had a large retinue of servants; but he was distinguished for his meekness and forgiving nature, to which he
Kaynak: Nehunya ben HaKanah
divine dogmas Joannes Moschus relates anecdotes illustrative of his meekness when treated rudely by his clergy, and his kindness on a
Kaynak: Theodotus of Antioch
People who display meekness People as a group referred to in Matthew 5:5 in the Beatitudes in the Christian bible. See also : Meek
Kaynak: The Meek (disambiguation)
Charity and meekness: man, he learns to rely less on an intellectual pursuit of virtue and more on an affective pursuit of charity and meekness.
Kaynak: Dominican Order
power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love
Kaynak: Fruit of the Holy Spirit
In the ten generations from Adam to Noah man did not adhere to "meekness," did not do what was right (ib. p.  80), but fell lower and
Kaynak: Tanna Devei Eliyahu
1 Corinthians 9:22), His spirit of unselfishness and sacrifice, His patience and meekness, and, finally, His asceticism as revealed in his
Kaynak: Ascetical theology
It is not meekness or self deprecating thought, but the effacing of oneself to something higher. Humility is not to think lowly of oneself
Kaynak: Humility
and by this meekness disarmed the savage of his rage A similar anecdote involves a man named Evodius, a priest who had once been a senator.
Kaynak: Gal I (Bishop of Clermont)
particularly eminent for modesty and meekness, A true, patient labourer in the Gospel, and a most happy comforter of many dejected souls
Kaynak: William Alleine
He is a man of few words, and great meekness. He is a willing labourer, and is faithful and zealous in the discharge of his duty.
Kaynak: Josua Mateinaniu
And another containing meditations of prudence, obedience, meekness, God's word, and prayer. (These latter unpublished.)' But it is very
Kaynak: Richard Argall

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