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megalithic ne demek?

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"megalithic" için örnek kullanımlar

There follows a bewildering insight into Davis family life when he reveals that they play a version of American Idol, the megalithic TV show on which he was a guest judge.
O da American Idol, o bir misafir hakim olduğu üzerinde megalitik TV şovunun bir sürümünü oynamak olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır Davis ailesinin hayatının içine bir şaşırtıcı fikir var izler.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Mangalore: A team of historians recently chanced upon a Megalithic site used for burials at Mari Kote, on the slopes of the MM hills in Kollegal taluk of Chamarajnagar district, very near the Hogenakkal Falls.
Mangalore: tarihçilerin bir ekip son derece Hogenakkal Falls yakınındaki, Chamarajnagar ilçesinde Kollegal Taluk yılında MM tepelerin yamaçlarında, Mari Kote de mezarlar için kullanılan bir Megalitik sitesi rastladılar.
Kaynak: deccanchronicle.com
The word "megalithic" describes structures made of such large stones, utilizing an interlocking system without the use of mortar or cement
Kaynak: Megalith
A Megalithic Yard is a unit of measurement, about 2.72 | ft | m that some researchers believe was used in the construction of megalithic
Kaynak: Megalithic Yard
This article describes several characteristic architectural elements typical of European megalithic (Stone Age) structures. Forecourt
Kaynak: Megalithic architectural elements
A megalithic entrance is an architectonic feature that enables access to a megalith ic tomb or structure. The design of the entrance has
Kaynak: Megalithic entrance
The Lohra tomb (Steinkammergrab von Lohra) was a megalithic monument outside Lohra near Marburg in north central Hesse , Germany .
Kaynak: Lohra (megalithic tomb)
The Altendorf tomb (Steinkammergrab von Altendorf) was an important megalithic tomb at Altenburg near Naumburg , northern Hesse , Germany
Kaynak: Altendorf (megalithic tomb)
A megalithic kernel is a type of operating system architecture where all binaries execute in kernel mode. Megalithic kernels tend to be
Kaynak: Megalithic kernel
In Ireland there are four types of megalithic tomb s: court cairn s, passage tomb s, wedge tomb s and portal dolmen s. Court tombs
Kaynak: Irish megalithic tombs
Hessian-Westphalian stone cist (hessisch-westfälische Steinkiste), it is one of the most important megalithic monuments in Central Europe .
Kaynak: Züschen (megalithic tomb)
Anakkara megalithic necropolis is an Early Iron Age megalithic cemetery located at Anakkara , near Kuttippuram in Malappuram district ,
Kaynak: Anakkara megalithic necropolis
See also : Züschen (megalithic tomb) Altendorf (megalithic tomb) Lohra (megalithic tomb) References : Bibliography : Jockenhövel, A. 1990: Beselich-
Kaynak: Niedertiefenbach (megalithic tomb)
List of megalithic monuments in Cork Ardgroom Beenalaght Bohonagh Carrigagulla Drombeg stone circle Glantane East Knocknakilla megalithic
Kaynak: List of megalithic monuments in Cork

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