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memorise ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

memorise anlamı
1) ezberlemek
2) bellemek

"memorise" için örnek kullanımlar

His team are counting on her to take down Memorise, her former employer.
Onun takımı ezberleyin, onu eski işveren aşağı çekmek için ona güveniyor.
Kaynak: nerdreactor.com
I only need to memorise five words: pai, how, baen, toi and map long.
Pai, nasıl, Baen, toi ve harita uzun: Ben sadece beş kelime ezberlemek gerekir.
Kaynak: thereporter.com.au
The drummers memorise the beats once they have been learnt.
Öğrendikleri oylandı kez davulcular yener ezberlemek.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
"It's a good idea to memorise some pertinent questions before the interview," suggests Rourke.
"Bu görüşmeden önce bazı uygun soruları ezberlemek için iyi bir fikirdir," Rourke göstermektedir.
Kaynak: money.aol.co.uk
The Six Kalimas , texts to memorise to learn the fundamentals of Islam. Kalima (band), a Manchester jazz-funk band on Factory Records
Kaynak: Kalima
Shoot 'em ups call for fast reactions and for the player to memorise levels and enemy attack patterns. Newer "bullet hell" games feature
Kaynak: Shoot 'em up
Their most notable characteristic is their ability to perfectly memorise numerous locations and the routes between them, and to travel
Kaynak: Tsung (Valérian)
to refer to a species of organism without needing to be able to memorise or pronounce the Latinized scientific name. Creating common names
Kaynak: Common name
early as the Spring and Autumn period , and survived through the age of the abacus ; pupils in elementary school today still must memorise it.
Kaynak: Chinese multiplication table
However, Haafidh differed from the other boys in his village because of his intelligence and his ability to memorise and understand
Kaynak: Haafidh ibn Ahmed 'Alee al-Hakamee
Muslim boy killed by his mother, Sara Ege, at their home in Cardiff , in the United Kingdom , in July 2010, for failing to memorise the Koran .
Kaynak: Murder of Yaseen Ege
forms of exceptional memory , who generally use mnemonic or similar rehearsal strategies to memorise long strings of subjective information.
Kaynak: Hyperthymesia
she showed to Alfred and his brothers, offering to give the book to whoever could first memorise it, a challenge which Alfred took up and won.
Kaynak: Osburh

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