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merriment ne demek?

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merriment anlamı
1) neşe
2) eğlence
3) cümbüş

"merriment" için örnek kullanımlar

Do you just want to join in the merriment and have the time of your life?
Sadece neşesine katılmak ve hayatınızın zaman sahip olmak ister misiniz?
Kaynak: greenbaypressgazette.com
Eating, drinking, and merriment often lead to extreme caloric intake.
Yeme, içme ve neşe sıklıkla aşırı kalori alımı yol açar.
Kaynak: theepochtimes.com
You are supposed to put on costumes, drink, celebrate, there is a lot of merriment.
Siz, kostümleri koymak içmek, kutlamak gerekiyordu, neşe bir çok şey var.
Kaynak: timesunion.com
While Noah's merriment is good for a laugh, it's off the mark.
Nuh'un neşe bir kahkaha için iyi olsa da, bu işareti kapalı bulunuyor.
Kaynak: articles.dailypress.com
Rongker is an annual springtime festival of merriment observed by the Karbis of Assam . It is observed in order to appease the local
Kaynak: Rongker
Laughter is an audible expression of merriment or amusement. Laughter may also refer to: Laughter (album), by Ian Dury & The Blockheads
Kaynak: Laughter (disambiguation)
been credited with restoring the holiday to one of merriment and festivity in Britain and America after a period of sobriety and sombreness.
Kaynak: A Christmas Carol
Ample food and freedom from the necessity to work in the fields are two central features of harvest festivals: eating, merriment, contests
Kaynak: Harvest festival
You are not worth their merriment". The full poem is as follows:"I, too, saw God through mud - The mud that cracked on cheeks when wretches
Kaynak: Apologia Pro Poemate Meo
Adam Smith said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a
Kaynak: Business ethics
echoing human laughter good-natured, but rather hysterical, merriment in the case of the renowned Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo
Kaynak: Kookaburra
considering them both a blessing from God that brings joy and merriment and potentially dangerous beverages that can be sin fully abused
Kaynak: Alcohol in the Bible
Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar. (Hamlet, V.i) The opening words are very commonly misquoted as "Alas,
Kaynak: Yorick
Gatherings of humourists are always disappointing because the premeditation kills merriment. Wit only succeeds when it is spontaneous.
Kaynak: The Idler (1758–1760)
Doolittle and his friends have one last spree before the wedding and the song is a plea to his friends not to let his drunk en merriment
Kaynak: Get Me to the Church on Time
reveals gems of pop merriment. Gabby La La is primarily a solo artist but at times she has been a member of Weapon of Choice and currently
Kaynak: Gabby La La
Utsava generally means a festival or celebration or any joyous occasion It also carries the meaning of delight, merriment and pleasure
Kaynak: Utsava
Lada or Lado is the names of a putative Slavic pagan deity of harmony, merriment, youth , love and beauty . The word 'Lado' does
Kaynak: Lada (goddess)

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