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microsecond ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

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microsecond anlamı

"microsecond" için örnek kullanımlar

All of that is instantly changed, in the matter of a microsecond.
Bunların hepsi anında microsecond konuda, değiştirilir.
Kaynak: commercialobserver.com
Ice forms in supercooled pure water in about 1 microsecond.
Buz formları yaklaşık 1 mikrosaniye içinde saf su soğumuş.
Kaynak: rdmag.com
Now, far be it for me to rain on your parade, gang, but let's think about this for a microsecond or two.
Şimdi, çok da geçit, çete yağmur benim için olabilir, ama en bir mikrosaniye veya iki bu düşüneyim.
Kaynak: westlakebayvillageobserver.com
What can be done in a microsecond?
Ne bir mikrosaniye yapılabilir?
Kaynak: highfrequencytraders.com
A microsecond is an SI unit of time equal to one millionth (10−6 or 1/1,000,000) of a second . Its symbol is µs . One microsecond is
Kaynak: Microsecond
the millisecond (one thousandth of a second), the microsecond (one millionth of a second), and the nanosecond (one billionth of a
Kaynak: Second
The UNIVAC 490 was a 30-bit word core memory machine with 16K or 32K words; 4.8 microsecond cycle time made by UNIVAC . It was a
Kaynak: UNIVAC 490
It had 4,096 word s of memory in Magnetic-core memory (with 2.4 microsecond access time), supplemented by 12,288 words of memory using
The addition time was 48 microsecond and the multiplication/division time was 2112 microseconds. approximately 1500 microseconds to those times.
Kaynak: DYSEAC
The general purpose registers had an access time of one microsecond. The basic configuration had one Computer and could be expanded to a
An air-gap flash is a photographic light source capable of producing sub-microsecond light flashes, allowing for (ultra) high-speed
Kaynak: Air-gap flash
The Dumey Microsecond was a crucial event that Arnold claimed was common to all projects: It is that microsecond during which you can
Kaynak: Arnold Dumey
Designed for semiconductor memory which was not ready at the time of announcement, the 3705-I had to use 1.2 microsecond core storage; the
Kaynak: IBM 3705 Communications Controller

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