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microsurgery ne demek?

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microsurgery anlamı

"microsurgery" için örnek kullanımlar

Revenue increased 21.2% for the surgical ophthalmology unit and 10.3% for the microsurgery unit.
Gelir cerrahi oftalmoloji birimi ve mikrocerrahi ünitesi için 10.3% 21.2% arttı.
Kaynak: healio.com
He is also certified in microsurgery.
Ayrıca mikrocerrahi onaylanmıştır.
Kaynak: prweb.com
And with even better microsurgery options on the way, I imagine we'll see even higher numbers of women choosing mastectomy.
Ve yolda daha mikrocerrahi seçenekleri ile, biz mastektomi seçiminde kadınların daha yüksek sayılar görürsünüz hayal.
Kaynak: cnn.com
There are several other entrants in the field for retinal implants, reflecting big advances in electronic miniaturisation and microsurgery in the past decade.
Retina implantlar için alanında birçok girenlerin son on yıl içinde elektronik minyatürleştirme ve mikrocerrahi büyük ilerlemeler yansıtan vardır.
Kaynak: channelnewsasia.com
Transoral laser microsurgery is another form of minimally invasive surgery used by several medical centers, including the Alvin J. Siteman
Kaynak: Transoral laser microsurgery
surgery is not cosmetic plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery , hand surgery , microsurgery , and the treatment of burn s.
Kaynak: Plastic surgery
operating microscope is an optical microscope specifically designed to be used in a surgical setting, typically to perform microsurgery .
Kaynak: Operating microscope
For all free flaps, the blood supply is reconstituted using microsurgery to reconnect the artery (blood into the flap) and vein (allows
Kaynak: Free flap
Chen Zhongwei (Chinese :陈中伟, 1929–2004) was an expert of orthopedic surgery and microsurgery, one of the pioneers of the process of
Kaynak: Chen Zhongwei
Although vasectomy is considered a permanent form of contraception, advances in microsurgery have improved the success of vasectomy
Kaynak: Vasectomy reversal
supermicrosurgical techniques and established the new standard in reconstructive microsurgery Studies involving long-term follow-up after LA
Kaynak: Lymphedema
He is considered to be the father of the ophthalmic microsurgery . Life and career : Fyodorov was born in Proskurov, Ukrainian SSR (now
Kaynak: Svyatoslav Fyodorov
It is the first image-guided , MR-compatible surgical robot that has the capability to perform both microsurgery and stereotaxy
Kaynak: NeuroArm
Marko Godina (15 April 1943, Ljubljana − 7 February 1986) was a Slovenia n plastic surgeon and reconstructive microsurgery pioneer, son
Kaynak: Marko Godina
used to detect substances, decontaminate the environment, perform targeted drug delivery, conduct microsurgery and destroy malicious cells.
Kaynak: Nanosub
The stereo microscope is often used to study the surfaces of solid specimens or to carry out close work such as dissection , microsurgery
Kaynak: Stereo microscope
aspx endodontic microsurgery. This is usually necessitated when a conventional root canal therapy had failed and a re-treatment was already
Kaynak: Apicoectomy

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