With addiction, the communication between the prefrontal cortex and the
midbrain is impaired.
Bağımlılığı ile prefrontal korteks ve orta beyin arasındaki iletişimi bozulur.
Kaynak: mydesert.comZhang said the reprogrammed cells were injected into two areas of the monkey brain, the basal ganglia and the
Zhang reprogrammed hücreler maymun beyni, bazal ganglionlar ve orta beyin iki alanlarına enjekte edildi dedi.
Kaynak: jsonline.comThe
midbrain or mesencephalon (from the Greek mesos - middle, and enkephalos - brain) is a portion of the central nervous system
Kaynak: MidbrainThese regions will later differentiate into forebrain,
midbrain and hindbrain structures. | Image2 Gray645. png | Caption2 Reconstruction of
Kaynak: DiencephalonThe
midbrain tegmentum is the part of the
midbrain extending from the substantia nigra to the cerebral aqueduct in a horizontal
Kaynak: Midbrain tegmentumThe tectum (Latin: roof) is a region of the brain , specifically the dorsal part of the mesencephalon (
midbrain). This is contrasted
Kaynak: Midbrain tectumThe
midbrain reticular formation (mesencephalic reticular formation, tegmental reticular formation, formatio reticularis (tegmenti)
Kaynak: Midbrain reticular formationParinaud's Syndrome, also known as dorsal
midbrain syndrome is a group of abnormalities of eye movement and pupil dysfunction.
Kaynak: Parinaud's syndromeThe substantia nigra is a brain structure located in the mesencephalon (
midbrain) that plays an important role in reward , addiction ,
Kaynak: Substantia nigrasurgeon Costanzo Varolio (pons Varolii It is cranial to the medulla oblongata , caudal to the
midbrain , and ventral to the cerebellum .
Kaynak: PonsIt is usually described as including the medulla oblongata (myelencephalon), pons (part of metencephalon), and
midbrain (mesencephalon
Kaynak: BrainstemThe red nucleus is a structure in the rostral
midbrain involved in motor coordination . It comprises a caudal magnocellular and a
Kaynak: Red nucleusThe optic tectum or simply tectum is a paired structure that forms a major component of the vertebrate
midbrain. In mammals, this
Kaynak: Superior colliculusThis lesion is usually unilateral and affects several structures in the
midbrain including: |! Structure damaged! Effect | substantia
Kaynak: Weber's syndromeThe inferior colliculus (IC) (Latin , lower hill) is the principal
midbrain nucleus of the auditory pathway and receives input from
Kaynak: Inferior colliculusIt forms the floor of the
midbrain whereas the tectum forms the ceiling It is a multisynaptic network of neurons that is involved in
Kaynak: TegmentumMoving caudally from the rostral
midbrain , at the site of the rostral pons and the
midbrain, the medial RF becomes less prominent, and
Kaynak: Lateral reticular formationThe oculomotor nerve is derived from the basal plate of the embryo nic
midbrain . Cranial nerves IV and VI also participate in control
Kaynak: Oculomotor nerveThe pathway begins in the ventral tegmental area of the
midbrain and connects to the limbic system via the nucleus accumbens , the
Kaynak: Mesolimbic pathwayThe pretectal area, or pretectum, is a
midbrain structure composed of seven nuclei and comprises part of the subcortical visual system.
Kaynak: Pretectal areaThe fibers of the oculomotor nerve arise from a nucleus in the
midbrain , which lies in the gray substance of the floor of the cerebral
Kaynak: Oculomotor nucleusThe nucleus of the trochlear nerve is located in the
midbrain , at the level of the inferior colliculus . It is a motor nucleus, so is
Kaynak: Trochlear nucleus