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militate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

militate anlamı
1) etkilemek
2) ağır basmak

"militate" için örnek kullanımlar

The council's ethos and structure also militate against effectiveness.
Belediyenin kültür ve yapısı da etkinliği karşısında durur.
Kaynak: thisisbristol.co.uk
Unfortunately, the two approaches rather militate against each other.
Ne yazık ki, iki yaklaşım yerine birbirlerine karşı durur.
Kaynak: forbes.com
The novel's very tentativeness, and torpidity, militate against any such insight.
Romanın çok tentativeness ve uyuşukluk, böyle bir fikir karşısında durur.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
What's more, something I thought might militate against the material turns out to work to its advantage.
Daha neler, diye düşündüm şey malzemenin avantajı çalışabilir çıkıyor aleyhine olabilir.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
historical figure, and its lack of mention of church organisation, liturgy , and ecclesiastical rites , lead one to "militate for an early dating".
Kaynak: Acts of Andrew
He integrated committee to after militate bred for the announcement of the Republic and its implantation, in 1911 he was elected member of
Kaynak: Vitorino Guimarães
a branch of the dynasty, from the 14th century, militate in the “populares ” (aristocrats) and between the “artifices albi” partly
Kaynak: Delle Piane family
with many of the problems of Sufic methods of study and those which militate against its effective progress in the modern world; notably the
Kaynak: Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study

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