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milk ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

milk anlamı
1) süt
1) sağmak

"milk" için örnek kullanımlar

The two were introduced after Kwanzaa's mother stopped producing milk.
Kwanzaa annesi süt üretimi durdurulduktan sonra iki yapılmıştır.
Kaynak: philly.com
So what can we make with milk, eggs, seafood, fish and vegetables?
Bu yüzden süt, yumurta, deniz ürünleri, balık ve sebze ile ne yapabilirsiniz?
Kaynak: mansfieldnewsjournal.com
I mean us milk guys are now ranked with the catfish and the mink!
Bizi süt çocuklar artık kedibalığı ve vizon ile sıralanır demek!
Kaynak: community.agriculture.com
In 2012, the value of imported milk products in Vietnam was 771.
2012 yılında, Vietnam ithal edilen süt ürünlerinin değeri 771 oldu.
Kaynak: globaltimes.cn
A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting of animal milk – mostly from cows or goat s, but also from buffalo ,
Kaynak: Dairy
Human breast milk is the milk produced by the breast s (or mammary glands) of a human female for her infant offspring. Milk is the
Kaynak: Human breast milk
are much higher in doe milk than in cow milk A 1970 book on animal breeding claimed doe milk differs from cow or human milk by having
Kaynak: Goat
Powdered milk or dried milk is a manufactured dairy product made by evaporating milk to dryness . One purpose of drying milk is to
Kaynak: Powdered milk
Sheep milk (or ewe's milk) is the milk of domestic sheep . Though not widely drunk in any modern culture, sheep's milk is commonly used
Kaynak: Sheep milk
Coconut milk is the liquid that comes from the grated meat of a coconut . The color and rich taste of the milk can be attributed to the
Kaynak: Coconut milk
A milk allergy is a food allergy , an adverse immune reaction to one or more of the constituents of milk from any animal (most commonly
Kaynak: Milk allergy
Lampropeltis triangulum, commonly known as a milk snake or milksnake, (French: Couleuvre tachetée; Spanish: Culebra-real coralillo) is a
Kaynak: Milk snake
"Milk chocolate" is solid chocolate made with milk in the form of milk powder , liquid milk, or condensed milk added. developed solid milk
Kaynak: Types of chocolate
Milking is the act of removing milk from the mammary gland s of an animal, typically cows (cattle ), water buffalo , goat s, sheep and
Kaynak: Milking
Camel's milk has supported Bedouin , nomad and pastoral cultures since the domestication of camels millennia ago. solely on the milk when
Kaynak: Camel milk

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