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mimicry ne demek?

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"mimicry" için örnek kullanımlar

He couples the mimicry with some astute and witty observational insights.
Bazı zeki ve esprili gözlemsel yorumlarla O çiftler taklitçilik.
Kaynak: blogs.montrealgazette.com
And Poyer doesn't limit his mimicry to Finnegan's scrappy style of play.
Ve Poyer oyun Finnegan en kavgacı tarzı onun taklit sınırlamaz.
Kaynak: blog.masslive.com
She even describes comedy mimicry of her accent as flattering.
O bile iltifat olarak onun aksanı komedi taklit açıklar.
Kaynak: thenational.ae
Like, once you get into mimicry and impressions, it is a gift and a gift that I love to watch.
Kez taklit ve gösterim içine almak, gibi, bir hediye ve izlemek için aşk bir hediyedir.
Kaynak: wlrn.org
In evolutionary biology , mimicry is the similarity of one species to another which protects one or both This similarity can be in
Kaynak: Mimicry
Batesian mimicry is a form of mimicry typified by a situation where a harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a
Kaynak: Batesian mimicry
Aggressive mimicry is a form of mimicry where predators , parasite s or parasitoid s share similar signals with a harmless model,
Kaynak: Aggressive mimicry
Müllerian mimicry is a natural phenomenon in which two or more poisonous species , that may or may not be closely related and share one or
Kaynak: Müllerian mimicry
Ant mimicry is mimicry of ant s by other organisms. Ants are abundant all over the world, and predator s that rely on vision to identify
Kaynak: Ant mimicry
Vavilovian mimicry (also crop mimicry or weed mimicry) is a form of mimicry in plant s where a weed comes to share one or more
Kaynak: Vavilovian mimicry
Molecular mimicry is defined as the theoretical possibility that sequence similarities between foreign and self-peptides are sufficient to
Kaynak: Molecular mimicry
Eyespots may be a form of mimicry in which a spot on the body of an animal resembles an eye of a different animal to deceive potential
Kaynak: Eyespot (mimicry)
Chemical mimicry is mimicry mediated via chemoreception (the chemical senses of smell and taste). Chemical mimicry may be used in
Kaynak: Chemical mimicry
Phylogenetics of mimicry. Mimicry is well understood and heavily studied within specific mimicry groups, individually referred to as mimicry
Kaynak: Phylogenetics of mimicry
Such a mimicry complex is referred to as Batesian and is most commonly known by the mimicry by the limenitidine Viceroy butterfly of
Kaynak: Insect
In some tropical species, mimics such as the drongo s may have a role in the formation of mixed-species foraging flocks Vocal mimicry can
Kaynak: Bird vocalization

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