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mind ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mind anlamı
1) zihin
2) akıl
3) düşünce
4) fikir
5) us
6) hafıza
7) şuur
8) bellek
9) istek
1) dikkat etmek
2) dikkatli olmak
3) itaat etmek
4) karşı çıkmak
5) aldırış etmek
6) aldırmak
7) önemsemek
8) endişelenmek
9) kulak vermek
10) kafaya takmak

"mind" için örnek kullanımlar

Are these designed with particular characters or side stories in mind?
Bu özel karakterler veya akılda yan hikayeler ile tasarlanmış mı?
Kaynak: massively.joystiq.com
It is hard to overemphasize how little we know about the mind of Frank Klopas.
Biz Frank Klopas zihninde hakkında ne kadar az durmak zordur.
Kaynak: hottimeinoldtown.com
Never mind all that, UBS seems to have concluded, we need a star.
Tüm bakmayın, UBS sonucuna gibi görünüyor, biz bir yıldıza ihtiyacımız var.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
A mind (icon | ˈ | m | aɪ | n | d) is the complex of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness , thinking , reason ing, perception ,
Kaynak: Mind
Mind can be interpreted as the collective aspects of intellect and consciousness. The term mind may also refer to: Mind, as a translation
Kaynak: Mind (disambiguation)
Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind , mental event s, mental function s, mental properties ,
Kaynak: Philosophy of mind
In philosophy of mind , dualism is the assumption that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical or that the mind and body
Kaynak: Dualism (philosophy of mind)
A psychic (icon | ˈ | s | aɪ | k | ɪ | k; from the Greek ψυχικός psychikos—"of the mind, mental") is a person who claims to have an ability
Kaynak: Psychic
point of view, what makes the brain special in comparison to other organs is that it forms the physical structure that generates the mind .
Kaynak: Brain
of the mind ) is not necessarily meant to imply separateness from brain or body . There are currently two widely established systems that
Kaynak: Mental disorder
In Buddhism , samādhi (Pali / Sanskrit : sa | समाधि) is mental concentration or composing the mind. It is one of three divisions of the
Kaynak: Samadhi (Buddhism)
mental hygiene as an art to preserve the mind against incidents and influences which would inhibit or destroy its energy, quality or development.
Kaynak: Mental health
human mind which is described in classical philosophy as necessary for understanding what is true or real , similar in meaning to intuition .
Kaynak: Nous
The conscious mind is the servant, not the master, of these and other organs; these organs have an agenda which the conscious mind did not
Kaynak: Arthur Schopenhauer
Thugs-rgyud is a synonym for sems rgyud-Thugs holds the semantic field: "Buddha-mind", "(enlightened) mind", "mind", "soul", "spirit", "
Kaynak: Mindstream
In Ancient philosophy , the noumenal realm was equated with the world of ideas known to the philosophical mind, in contrast to the
Kaynak: Noumenon

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