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mineralogy ne demek?

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mineralogy anlamı
1) mineraloji
2) madenler ilmi

"mineralogy" için örnek kullanımlar

DP: How exactly was Curiosity able to determine the mineralogy at Gale Crater?
DP: Gale Crater mineraloji belirlemek mümkün Merak tam olarak nasıl oldu?
Kaynak: dailyprincetonian.com
In order to determine why this is occurring, a detailed study is being conducted on the mineralogy.
Bu meydana gelen neden belirlemek amacıyla, detaylı bir çalışma minerolojisine yürütülmektedir.
Kaynak: marketwatch.com
Meanwhile, the Natural Museum of Science focuses on collections that involve Mineralogy, Botany and Paleontology.
Bu arada, Bilim Doğa Müzesi Mineraloji, Botanik ve Paleontoloji içeren koleksiyonlar üzerinde duruluyor.
Kaynak: tourism-review.com
In mineralogy , a pseudomorph is a mineral or mineral compound that appears in an atypical form (crystal system ), resulting from a
Kaynak: Pseudomorph
Normative mineralogy is a geochemical calculation of the whole rock geochemistry of a rock sample that estimates the idealised mineralogy of
Kaynak: Normative mineralogy
Optical mineralogy is the study of mineral s and rocks by measuring their optical properties. Most commonly, rock and mineral samples
Kaynak: Optical mineralogy
Cleavage, in mineralogy , is the tendency of crystalline materials to split along definite crystallographic structural planes.
Kaynak: Cleavage (crystal)
In the field of mineralogy , fracture is the shape and texture of the surface formed when a mineral is fractured . Minerals often have a
Kaynak: Fracture (mineralogy)
Spar is an old mining or mineralogy term used to refer to crystal s that have readily discernible faces. A spar will easily break or
Kaynak: Spar (mineralogy)
Magnetic mineralogy is the study of the magnetic properties of mineral s. The contribution of a mineral to the total magnetism of a rock
Kaynak: Magnetic mineralogy
In mineralogy , the type specimen, also known as type material, is a reference sample by which a mineral is defined. Types: The following
Kaynak: Type specimen (mineralogy)
An endmember in mineralogy is a mineral that is at the extreme end of a mineral series in terms of purity. Minerals often can be
Kaynak: Endmember
In geology , mineralogy , and petrology , a bleb is a small bubble-like inclusion of one mineral within a larger mineral. An example is a
Kaynak: Bleb (mineralogy)
In mineralogy , tenacity is a mineral 's physical reaction to stressful forces acting upon it. These forces may include, but are not
Kaynak: Tenacity (mineralogy)
Early writing on mineralogy, especially on gemstones, comes from ancient Babylonia , the ancient Greco-Roman world, ancient and medieval
Kaynak: History of mineralogy
Extinction is a term used in optical mineralogy and petrology , which describes when cross-polarized light dims , as viewed through a
Kaynak: Extinction (optical mineralogy)

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